Everything You Think You Know about Hell is WRONG w/ Jimmy Akin

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In this clip, Jimmy talks about what Hell will really be like. Hint: it's probably not going to be lakes of fire.




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I try to imagine a life without God, it's a nightmare, no truth, no love, no way to move towards God, it's scary.


As a child of the late 80s early 90s, I never imagined Hell as being a place of fire. Instead, I imagined it being a dark place of leather-bound demons torturing people who played with the wrong puzzle box.


Imagine being in an unfulfilled state of hatred and rage, envy, pride, lust, and an overwhelming experience of despair and loss because of the lack of any hope. That's how I think of the fire of hell.


The general consensus by Bible theologian commentators has historically been that when the Bible IS being figurative, using natural/physical descriptions for something, it is WAY BETTER than the positive described or WAY WORSE than the negative described... think about that one for a second.


When listening to Jimmy's description, I immediately thought of Our Lady of Fatima. I went and read Sr Lucia's account of the vision of hell that Our Lady showed the seers and it is not a place of "feeling" that Jimmy appears to describe as hell, it is way worse... I think I will defer to Our Lady and not the modern mentality of Hell.


Very good explanation. I think that a big problem that I have is that I'm constantly grappling with scrupulosity, distraction, not trusting in God enough... and I essentially act like I'm in Hell. However, I'm not in Hell (and I certainly don't want to go to Hell), I'm on Earth, and I need to and strive to embrace God, INCLUDING the positive and joyful parts of that embrace.


God is so good! Just yesterday my husband and I were discussing this very topic and pondering the justice of hell, especially as it seems so unjust to our incompetent understanding... how perfect for you to post this video, thank you Matt Fradd and Jimmy Akin! May God continue to bless you and your work!


Some months ago i experienced a feeling of a lack of love or a lack of a connection with god for a few days. I remember years ago catholic religious groups would distribute audio tapes of exercisms and during one a demon said that the worst part was being cut off from god or gods love. That's the only way i could describe what i felt and i think it was a great grace or warning to me that i needed to do better. When i discussed this with a friend she said she experienced something similar when she imagined what if it really was all evolution etc... And that yet another friend of hers said they felt it all at a time period slightly prior to my experience. Very strange. An acquaintance who was athiest seemed to have some spiritual curiosity around this time. I hate to seem too paranoid about the end times. But i think god is getting us ready. I think this youtube channel is helping many people.


Even if hell isn’t literal fire, emotional torture would be horrible too. I don’t know that this makes me feel any better about hell and my fear of going there


Hellfire is much worse than literal earth fire. Hellfire burns souls.


The difference is between those sinners who DO REPENT and those sinners who do not.

Our LORD does not condemn us for sinning. Rather, we condemn ourselves for failing to REPENT.

R-E-P-E-N-T therefore, and be blessed.


Thank you. Very well explained. I’ve found a hell on earth when I have knowingly separated myself from God. That separation has always caused intense psychological pain. Fortunately, God always welcomes us back after we have fallen away.


Hell is an absence of God. I experienced that in this life and it is an awful way to live. To spend an eternity away from God? There's no fire needed to make the suffering any worse. That is why I beg forgiveness and trust in His redemption. God wants us with Him. The question then becomes; is that where we want to be?


Jimmy Akin seems to completely dilute the severity of hell! St Faustina n St John Bosco have well n truly explained what hell looks like in reality!🙏🙏


I must disagree with this one, also because it directly contradicts visions of saints like John Bosco. And I fear many times we don't want to see how terrible hell really is because we are afraid but the fact the hell is with fire is an euphism in my opinion.

Souls cannot be put on fire, it's true; but our bodies will resurrect. Before that it's likely those souls will suffer hallucinations and spiritual torments, something like deep terrible depression sadness and desperation. Then once the bodies are resurrected, of course you'll have fire. Fire and way worse; visions of Saints report all kind of horrible tortures and torments to the damned. If you read the Gospel of Matthew it's hard to not see this coming tbh


I dont see it necessarily as an either/or question. It could be fire AND an emotional state of the soul. The most compelling description of hell for me is that the very fire of God's love burns like the fires of hell to those who reject God. It's the same fire. The fire of love is not a literal fire, but the analogy is more than mere poetry, it feels like fire in a very real sense.


I'm glad you posted this snippet. It's been on my mind since I watched it. I'm a huge fan of Jimmy. He's one of the best if not the best out there. But...I think he's wrong on this one. His point here is that hell isn't really what Scripture says. To me that's the same as a Protestant saying the Eucharist is just a symbol. I know he goes solely from scripture but in this case I think script is right. Yes, I'm basing it off some private revelations from St Catherine of Siena in ten Dialogues recorded in four parts.

On a side note regarding Aquinas saying that a a fire can burn a non-material soul can be 100% right. God can do that. He is omnipotent. To say otherwise says that God can't do it and that is foolish. I think Jimmy needs to rethink his case on this one. Also, one of the things that the catechism says is that hell is a state of separation. For non-material souls that state can be a state of a place.

"So I say to you, that in Hell, the souls have four principal torments, out of which proceed all the other torments. The first is, that they see themselves deprived of the vision of Me, which is such pain to them, that, were it possible, they would rather choose the fire, and the tortures and torments, and to see Me, than to be without the torments and not to see Me.

This first pain revives in them, then, the second, the worm of Conscience, which gnaws unceasingly, seeing that the soul is deprived of Me, and of the conversation of the angels, through her sin, made worthy of the conversation and sight of the devils, which vision of the Devil is the third pain and redoubles to them their every toil.

"The fourth torment that they have is the fire. This fire burns and does not consume, for the being of the soul cannot be consumed, because it is not a material thing that fire can consume. But I, by Divine justice, have permitted the fire to burn them with torments, so that it torments them, without consuming them, with the greatest pains in diverse ways according to the diversity of their sins, to some more, and to some less, according to the gravity of their fault."

Let's also not forget Fatima in which Our Lady showed the children hell and told them to pray "save us from the fires of hell." Every saint who has been given these graces all agree: there is fire in hell. Our Lord attested to that.


It’s not so much that Jimmy is wrong about the core of what Hell is, he is accurately describing the principal pain of Hell (pain of loss)
But there’s no reason to think this principal pain wouldn’t also be reflected in the physical realm, in order to signify the spiritual reality of this pain of loss. This is true for glorified bodies which signify the immaterial glory of the soul, so why shouldn’t the inverse (pain of loss) also be signified in the body?


It is literally fire consuming souls. Reality doesn't change because it sounds strange to modern audiences.


Jimmy's great! Definitely disagree with him here. It's not a straw-man to describe Hell as unending fire/torment especially when that's the exact language Jesus Christ used. The straw-man is "God's going to send me to Hell because I jerked off", that's what Matt was trying to get at, but I think Jimmy got stuck on the hellfire bit and missed the actual hang-up which is the seeming inequality with the crime and it's punishment.
