Trigonometry Exam Questions 2 | DBE November 2023 | Grade 12 Maths

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This video answers trigonometry questions from the DBE's November 2023 mathematics examination.

Grade 12 trigonometry covers all content learnt from grade 10 and grade 11's trigonometry. To date, students know how to calculate angles, read the CAST diagram, apply reduction formulae, determine the general solution, and use and apply the area, sine, and cosine rules. For the grade 12 syllabus, you learn how to derive and apply the compound and double angle rules.

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About grade 12 Maths:
Grade 12 Maths is an extension of what was taught in grades 10 and 11. It builds on the advanced problem-solving techniques studied in both grades. In addition to topics introduced in the lower grades, students are now introduced to the power of formula derivation and critical thinking. Students will now broaden what they have learned and bring it closer to a complete package. At this stage, students are now able to prove all formulas that are on the formula sheet.

At the end of the grade, students should be competent in the following topics: algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities, exponents and surds, sequences and series, functions, financial maths, differentiation calculus; probability, linear programming, data handling(statistics), analytical geometry, trigonometry, measurement and euclidean geometry.
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