Inside Israel's Complicated 'Whac-a-Mole' Dilemma: When the Solution Causes the Problem

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Israel appears to have a classic "Whac-a-Mole" problem in Gaza. Even if the IDF is successful in destroying Hamas, the political situation remains unchanged---and actually the military battle makes it worse. Thus, a new group will rise from Hamas' ashes, and Israel will then have to engage with the new opponent. This process can repeat forever, similar to the arcade game Whac-a-Mole. Today's video covers the basic principles of Whac-a-Mole theory and why states nevertheless sometimes find engaging in the process worthwhile.

0:00 Israel's Whac-a-Mole Problem in Gaza
3:34 Israel's Operations in Gaza
7:22 What Is the Whac-a-Mole Problem
10:19 Netanyahu's Political Incentives
14:57 Attrition of Gazan Capacity
17:42 Cornering the Market

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By צילום: איציק אדרי:

By Dr. Avishai Teicher Pikiwiki Israel:

By Spokesperson Unit of the President of Israel:

By Government Press Office of Israel:

By Reuven Kopitchinski:

By Amir Terkel:

By atropos235:

By Sarah Stierch:

By Nemo5576:

Oh. My. Goodness. First Perun mentions "lines on maps", and now William illustrates his point with a purely hypothetical example of competition between LOM groceries and P.E.Run's meats, IS THIS A SECRET CROSSOVER?


I don't know - traffic engineering can be pretty violent.


Hi William!

This channel has cornered the market that is my attention span.


I was not expecting a Perun reference in today's video, but here we are. Thanks for the chuckle when dealing with an otherwise dark and tragic topic.


So Wil’s obsession with Lines On Maps started with his obsession with Roads On Maps? Makes sense.


P.E.Run's huh? Why do I suddenly have the urge to listen to an hour long discussion about defense economics, peppered it dry humor?


Another important bit about the LOM Grocers: those stores are often franchises. This means that if an individual store fails, the loss to the actual LOM Grocers is negligable, as that store was just a franchise store that still has to pay LOM Grocers, also surviving inventory can be immediatly rerouted to other LOM stores. The idea is to make a full ecosystem with competition, but only between the different franchise stores all operating under the same LOM Grocers umbrella. The losers are the owners of the specific failing store and the employees who work there, LOM Grocers will always win in this scenario, because their only win condition is that no one else gets to play. LOM Grocers isn't actually a grocery store anymore: they are a property investement company that mainly rents to grocers whom they control very tightly.


I used to comment on the monotone voice, so now I have to congratulate ya on how much more I enjoy the info since you actually emphasize phrases and words (like NEED TO, or SHOULD HAVE etc etc). I just helps the brain focus. I appreciate the improvement!


Once upon a time, Israel's main rival was the secular PLO. They implemented a clever plan to foster a competitor of the PLO in order to weaken them. That competitor was Hamas.


Honestly we should require politicians to study game theory and logic before taking office


I worked management at a call centre in Australia, back in the day. Was confronted with a new hire telling me there would be no problems between him and the 'other' employees from the Balkans I had also hired recently. I asked - Oh, why should I expect problems?' It had not even occurred to me that the refugees from that conflict would have to be a consideration in my hiring practices. He tells me that he had already talked to the 'others' and that they had all agreed to leave the conflict behind them, now they were in a new home. So I wonder if the same thing will happen?


I would argue the coalition actually prevents Netanyahu for making necessary concessions. Religious Zionism, Jewish Power, Shas, and United Torah Judaism are all just as hawkish as him, if not more.

If any of them did a constructive vote of no confidence, he could just kick them out and use Gantz's votes. Even if all 4 left, he could reach out to Lapid. That seems unlikely.


the point about over production in order to deter competition was very interesting and a novel addition to the discussion about the conflict.


If Israel gets rid of hummus what will people have to dip their food in?


As an Hebrew speaker the name of the party "המחנה הממלכתי" does not translate to "national unity party" it translate roughly to "national party" or "state party" the word unity isn't there. To be honest I don't think you can translate it exactly to English because the word ממלכתי does not have an exact translation at list that I know of.


Another one of those channels...
You can say whatever you want and it does seem you are doing just that, it does not mean that the content is accurate or even true.
1. Other groups will "will pop up"?? When have you seen a terror organization in gaza destroyed? This is your speculation.
2. Why do you conclude that every last person in gaza is seeking and forever will seek violence so after hamas is dead other people will rush to meet the same fate?
3. It is not only Netanyahu who seeks to destroy hamas, it is pretty much what the WHOLE POPULATION who are on board and expect exactly that. It's easy for you foreigners to go "yeah a terror attack, no big deal" but in Israel almost anyone knows someone who's either been killed, has family members who've been killed or abducted, and those family members include children.
4. Hamas has weathered the same restrictions???? Really? The reality was that hamas was being supplied with water and electricity (some say for free), the check points open with supplies coming in regularly, large sums of money going in as aid from all around the world with a large part of that going DIRECTLY to hamas... How do you think they were able to purchase/make so many rockets and build so many tunnels?? How is that even resembling the situation now?
5. "Gaza officials report"???? You youtube guys are a bunch of clowns.. Do you know who all "gaza officials" are? That's right, hamas. You know that. So they report whatever they think is beneficial. They have no problem raping then killing young girls and slaughtering children - so do you think they have any problem lying? Most of their dead are terrorists. Full stop.

I would go on but this is taking too much time plus the comment is probably getting deleted as usual...


«The difference is Israel’s benefit attributed to Whac-a-Mole. And, in fact, the only way to get violence to drop under these conditions is for to Israel induce the new group to challenge Hamas. Whac-a-Mole is not actually a problem in this case. It is a sign that the strategy is working. Still, that does not necessarily imply that Whac-a-Mole is a bright idea.»

Is that why we had early, covert support of Hamas as a counterweight to the PLO?


I love your embedded subtle humour, that combined with excellent informative content makes me keep coming back for more.


hello, can you explain also please, why are everyone so obssesed with this particular conflict in the middle east even though there are much more serious and much more deadly conflicts in the middle east?
i know the that israel is standing out in the region as a western democracy, but still many even unaware about the many other conflicts in the middle east, why is that?


Tragically, Netanyahu’s political survival seems dependent upon continuing hostilities.
