#Kubernetes tutorial for beginners | Horizontal Pod Autoscaling in Kubernetes

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Kubernetes tutorial for beginners | Horizontal Pod Scaling in Kubernetes
HPA’s are stable resources in the autoscaling/v1 API group and their job is to scale the number of replicas in a Deployment based on observed CPU metrics.
The autoscaling/v2 API allow scaling based on more than just CPU.
You define a Deployment that makes use of Pod resource requests – where each container in the Pod requests an amount of CPU.
You deploy this to the cluster.
You also create an HPA object that targets that Deployment and has a rule that says something like:
if any Pod in this Deployment uses more than 60% of its requested CPU, spin up an additional Pod.
Once the Deployment and HPA are deployed to the cluster, scaling operations become automatic.
While this update is recorded against the Deployment object in the cluster store, it can lead to situations where the copy of the Deployment YAML file in your external version control system gets out of sync with what is currently observed on the cluster.
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