How Christians Can Heal from a Narcissist Relationship

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The journey towards healing from a narcissistic relationship can be a daunting and challenging experience for anyone. However, for Christians, the pain and trauma experienced in such relationships can be compounded by certain ways we process the Bible, love and relationships in dysfunctional and distorted ways. Narcissism is an issue that many area needing to work through and heal through. But what does that even look like? Today I want to share a compassionate perspective, but also be honest about what the journey looks like.

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The Most High has already shown us what to do with a narcissist, the very first narcissist and his enablers were cast out of heaven so fast like lightning. All the narcissist traits are the same personality traits of the enemy.


The hardest thing I've ever done is go no contact with my grown daughter who is a Covert Narcissistic. I have experienced everything you mentioned. The hardest part is losing my relationship with my 3 grandchildren 😢.


Coming from a person who married & divorced a religious covert narcissist- so grateful for this shared knowledge♥️


My dad is unfortunately an alcoholic and drug addict. He curses all the time and has anger issues. Never takes the blame for anything. Everything is always someone else’s fault, not his. I am really convinced that he is oppressed by a demon and I say that soberly. I am praying that he would have complete Freedom by submitting his life fully to Christ


Unfortunately there are people in the church that don't know how the person acts behind closed doors.


I divorced a narcissist 15 years ago and I am still recovering. I still have insomnia in the middle of the night. The good thing that has come out of this I think is my need for God/Jesus to get me through the day. I am doing much better now, but I am still not free completely. I have days I feel free of the oppression/depression caused by the covert abuse, but I really want to be free of it completely.


The struggle to accept that he wouldn’t change was probably the most difficult for me. Learning to heal now. Thank you for this content because it is a blessing on my journey ❤


Because I was one, and Jesus saved me. It was due to unhealed childhood father was a narcissist and seemed like he had Borderline Personality Disorder, also my mom was extremely codependent.


Its so refreshing to have someone understand.Its ok to take care of urself... bless u Lord


Having come to understand that there's nothing I can do to change the narc I simply pray for God to have His perfect will in their life . I let sort it out 😊🎉 and keep on grey rocking


100% true, thank you, Mark. Speak from 30 years experience being married to an abusve narcissistic husband. I've been on a healing journey for the past 15 years. ( I'm 65) . I hung in there because I knew I wouldn't have the support of my Christian community. He was a charismatic leader and had everyone charmed. Finally became a part of a Christiam community that understood these things and had so much love and support that I was able to break free. One thing God showed me about myself is my arrogance in thinking that I could change him by prayer or being a better wife or loving him more ect, ect. I needed to recognize that and repent from that. Also from putting my trust in another human being to have my emotional mental and spiritual needs met instead of in God.
Psalm 1 💗


27mins - Word for the severing from the cords of the wicked: Psalm 129 v4. God showed me this sovereignly because of my circumstances, and He has turned everything around for me, Hallelujah


Yep! I was trapped as a very young Christian by "Love him and serve him" the trap door slammed down on what he wanted. He forgot to give anything back snd took, and took, and took while the churchy ladies' said, "You must be doing something


Thank you Mark for such awesome teaching and you have such a kind delivery 🙏
My mom was narcissistic but I worked around her inability to be supportive, and showed her I wouldn’t tolerate all the criticism..the relationship was still rewarding, continued it until she passed. knew she loved me even though she was limited.
I have however cut contact with both my brothers, one has overt narcissism haven’t spoke with him in 10 years. Too too toxic..Just recently cut ties with the covert narcissist, they are the sneaky ones, tearing you down but often times going undetected
as the abuse is extremely subtle very insidious, comes in the form of withholding.. it’s sad because it’s almost like they figure out what you need/want as a human being and then be sure to not give.. it’s not normal, no reciprocity as in a healthy connection.

I’ve noticed since I cut him and a best friend also a covert, I feel sooo much better! believe part of it I think is the self respect, by not accepting people’s shady behaviors any longer. I KNOW I am a kind hearted, generous person and now feel I deserve so much more than what these low vibe narcissistic people have dished to me for far too long. I’m very alone now as far as people goes, but thank God my self esteem is not being drained out anymore 🙌🏼 I can deal with people I’m not close with, coworkers or neighbors and such having narcissism.. but the people who are close and SUPPOSE to have my back.. nope, that is just too hurtful when I’m trying to heal these wounds.
You are so much better alone than having people who SHOULD love and care about you, yet are incapable, opening your life to the devil and his schemes..


I've been in a toxic relationship for almost 30 years, my spouse has mentally abused my sons and I. He betrayed me, cheated, no empathy, manipulated me, stonewall me for years. Came back home after almost a year, I decided to forgive him. He told me that he just wanted someone to love him because he's going through something but he didn't want to reciprocate the love. My therapist told me that he wasn't going to charge but I was willing to give our relationship another try. I found out he was talking to the girls that he cheated on me with, just way too much drama so I decided to tell him to leave. Everything that you said is on point. He lied all the time, no remorse, he's not humble. He's always the victim. everything is about him. He doesn't want to get help. I need to heal .🙏


Thank you, thank you. Christians need this. I’ve had a lifetime of experiences with so many narcs… mostly in marriage, & fam members who call themselves Christians, & some outside Christian circles. Trying to get help… very hurtful. Christians can be lacking in understanding, compassion & grace.


Now one year +no contact with Mom and stepfather. The abuse was subtle, but yes, it steadily ramps up to where threats and silence. Not healthy to live in. I've spent my life aiming at being with my Mom who saw me only as a possession and was barely in my life. I've learned. I wasn't no contact when I first moved away but after things she said in the in family chat... Her true feelings came out and I've delt with shame and guilt for being related to her. My identity was wrapped up in her but now I'm me. I love my mom very much but I'm supply to her, a drug that would keep her justifying herself. I'm not the only one no contact with her. She's stuck in a world where she' has alienated everyone and cannot accept any responsibility and only blames everyone else. I've been in an online healing group for over a year and that has helped immensely. God keeps me on track and check I'm thriving in my new live.


Thank you so much for this. There is so very little care and counseling for victims of narcissism within a Biblical framework. Lots of secular advice. Thanks for your great, thoughtful content. As a 50 yo who just realized my mother is classic NPD, this is salve for my soul. Most in the church don't understand (you talk about this in the video) so it mutiplies the pain from feeling judged.


LEARN TO "WATCH A MOVIE" Is something I NEEDED to hear. All this is easier said than done when it's your adult daughter with a grandson involved (currently living with me) . So this is a HUGE GREAT example to learning to break free and Step Back. I'm now forced to evict her because she REFUSES to take her claws off of me. So the demons are BIG MAD and using EVERYTHING Possible to hurt me. As if it weren't bad enough before.. So THANK YOU for making this video ❤


Thank you Mark it's been 2 years since I left I still struggle and it's painful
