Jujutsu Kaisen is VERY Basic

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JJK techniques can be complicated sometimes, but for the most part they really aren't.

#jujutsukaisen #cursedtechniques #domainexpansion
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Honestly a lot of "criticisms" nowadays feel like
"I don't understand x"
"I'm not reading all that"


Cursed techniques are pretty simple on the surface but once you go deeper into it then it’s a fucking rabbithole


I have honestly only ever heard praise for JJK's complicated power system and techniques so yeah for most it aint a bad thing


My only gripe is that occasionally, Gege writes walls of texts explaining whats going on, when he really doesn't need to. Biggest example is Gojo vs Sukuna.


Gege pulled the jojo level of complicated


Jjk cursed techniques are complicated in a good way. If you look at something like infinity and limitless then it is easy: red pushes away, blue drags in and purple destroys. It only gets complicated when you are trying to find out more about it (for example gege with the help of 2 mathmaticians wrote a multiple page document about how infinity works within the bounds of science in our world)


I really enjoy that some techniques are so complicated that I have to watch videos about them to understand them. It really shows how much Gege thought about the technique, and more so, the power system at play. I really love how he does it. It’s a nice fresh system.


Ten Shadows:
The user is first granted two Divine Dogs, which are the first order of Shikigami of the Ten Shadows. The user can then perform a summoning ritual to tame an untamed Shikigami, in which they shall battle to the death. If the ritual is performed alone and the user succeeds on defeating the Shikigami, the Shikigami is tamed and will answer to the user's will when invoked. If the ritual is performed including a third party, the Shikigami will seek the destruction of both the user and the third party, maintaining any fallen foe in a state of suspended death until the ritual ends. If the Shikigami is defeated in a ritual with a third party, or an external party invaded the ritual after starting, when defeated it will not be tamed.
When summoning a Shikigami, the user can choose to materialize the Shikigami completely, or not. If completely materialized, the Shikigami will have more power but will disappear permanently when killed. It is possible to summon up to three Shikigami at once. Every order of Shikigami has different abilities and number or summons.
The user can choose to fuse multiple Shikigami together, which will create a powerful Shadow Chimera that shares each Shikigami's abilities. This process is reversible, unless the fused Shikigami was killed previously, in which case is irreversible.
The user's Shikigami are projections of their shadow. The user can also move inside shadows, and store items and matter in the shadows, at the price of lifting the weight of everything stored.
The user can partially summon a Shikigami to obtain a version of said Shikigami's abilities for the user's usage.
The list of Shikigami is:
Divine Dogs: two wolf Shikigami. Can be summoned as Divine Dog: Totality, one werewolf Shikigami, which greatly improves it's physical capabilities.
Nue: one winged bird-like Shikigami. Can use electric attacks.
Toad: multiple toad Shikigami. Can use their tong to immobilize or catch objectives.
Great Serpent: one snake Shikigami. Has great size, and great offensive capabilities.
Rabbit Escape: myriad rabbit Shikigami. Has near unending numbers.
Max Elephant: one elephant Shikigami. Has great size and mass, and possesses water-summoning abilities.
Mountain Tiger: one tiger Shikigami. Great offensive capabilities using its . Otherwise unknown.
Round Deer: one deer Shikigami. Emanates positive Cursed Energy, which can heal and weaken Cursed Techniques.
Piercing Ox: one ox Shikigami. Great offensive capabilities. Can only advance in one straight line, but builds momentum and power rapidly.
Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga: One giant-like Shikigami. Inmense offensive and defensive capabilities. Possesses the Sword of Extermination, a positive cursed energy-coated sword attached to its arm. When exposed (or partially manifested, via the exposed user) to any phenomenon, can learn to adapt to said phenomenon by turning the wheel on its head. The amount of experience and turns it requires to completely adapt depends on the phenomenon. After adaptation, Mahoraga can alter its Cursed Energy to avoid, block, or deflect the phenomenon, or find any way possible to work around it.
I'm not gonna talk about the Domain Expansion.

I guess I shouldn't have brought to the table the most complex cursed technique in JJK, but here we are...


"not that complicated" you say

Let's see we got domain expansion, innate techniques, binding vows, domain amplification, simple domain, falling blossom emotions, whatever category divergent fist goes under, shikigami, reverse curse technique and probably a couple others I can't name of the top of my head.


It’s not that hard:
Itadori: hands
Gojo: red+blue=purple
Nobara: a little girl when she gets a hold of her dads tool box
Megumi: deadly pets that are a pain in the ass to tame
Nanami: twitter user
Sukana: professional chef


Regardless of how ppl feel u need diverse powers in shows u need complicated powers and simple ones both is needed or can be used like hunter x hunter nen itself is very deep but depending on the person their abilities may be simple as hell like gon


If someone doesn’t like JJK cuz it’s too complicated for them, it’s their loss cuz the series is amazing.


I always said they aren’t confusing, they’re just EXPLAINED in a confusing way.


It's the same thing with Jojo's and King Crimson.
It all boils down to "It's not confusing or too complicated, you're just stupid"


its just the author knows how to use the full potential of everything in his manga. So even something really simple can become complicated by fleshing out on it, so the problem isn't that its tough to understand...there's just alot to understand which makes me love this manga even more


I feel like sometimes it could be a matter of either the explanation not being that good despite how simple something is, or people criticizing the story in poor faith. There were some instances where I felt that something simple was hard to understand, only to then realize that Parr of my confusion came from the fact that some translations of the source material just got certain concepts wrong. Like how Domain Amplification just doesn't even make sense as a name for the technique based on what it does and how it looks


Ive had people argue with me that JJKs system is more complicated/in depth than Naruto. Like Narutos power system is pretty easy to understand, but jjks system is, as a system, extraordinarily simple. The only ability i found a bit confusing was the gambling domain expansion, and that was partly due to mid translations.


It’s easy but hard to understand I feel like it’s very straight forward


I'm not gonna say it's easy to figure out in a sec but it's not complex enough for to have to study the explanations


Being a JJBA fan, I really don't see the complication of their techniques since I can always rely on Youtubers to describe it for me
