History of Battle - The Fall of Nineveh (612 BCE)

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In this video I explain the incidents surrounding the Fall of Nineveh, in which a combined army of Medes and Babylonians conquered the Assyrians
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I am here, Leekesi.

I was a man who lived in the time of the destruction of Ninevah and was an Assyrian official; but I am not mentioned in history, for my time was short, though in it occurred some of the most important acts of the whole history of that land.

I was not a believer in the God of the Hebrews, though in my time I had heard of that God, and many Jews lived in my domain; yet I would not let them worship that God or in any way teach my people the religion of the Jews.

Our gods were many and were worshipped by the inhabitants of the nation in accordance with what might be the desires of these people, and when the gods answered the prayers of the people they were thought to be good and true, but when the answers did not come, the gods were false, and new gods were made and worshipped according as they answered the people’s prayers or not. So you see that our gods were the creatures of men and not men the creatures of the gods.

But, notwithstanding this false idea, as I now see, of God, there were men of deep insight into the matters pertaining to the spiritual world, who did not make and worship the gods that I have spoken of, but who were able to look beyond these material things and discover that there was such a thing as a higher condition of the afterlife, in which the souls of man could find happiness and knowledge of the existence of a real and mighty power that would bring them into a state of existence where men would realize the higher life of the soul’s predominance.

These men were not numerous and did not associate with the inhabitants to any extent, but lived to themselves and evolved certain philosophies which satisfied them of truths which our common beliefs did not comprehend. These men also taught these truths, but not very generally, and only to those who might become their followers.

In my time we had what you would call churches and priests and officials of high position in the religious organization, and feasts and ceremonies and sacrifices, and these powerful ecclesiastics were very jealous and intolerant of anything which interfered with, or in any manner controlled, their religious teachings or the power which they exercised over the people, and the government of the kingdom as well. And consequently, these philosophers that I speak of were not permitted to disseminate their speculations or philosophies among the masses, and were compelled to write their doctrines or teachings in a language which the common people could not understand.

This was the condition of the religious part of my kingdom at the time of its destruction, and many of my people who survived this destruction and who were scattered into other countries took with them these beliefs in the multiplicity of gods, and worshipped as before their dispersion. In time these beliefs commenced to permeate the beliefs of the people among whom they lived, until the belief in many gods became the general belief of many other nations. You will find in history that many nations which became great after the fall of my kingdom, such as Greece and Rome and others, continued the belief in a multiplicity of gods.

But not until the spreading and adoption of Christianity by them did the belief in the one true God become the established and universal belief of these nations and of the people thereof.

Man made the gods and worshipped them, until the great Master came and proclaimed the truth of the one and only existing Father. Of course, an exception must be made in the statement in favor of the Jews, because they had only one God; but even they had different names for their God, which were applicable and used in accordance with the qualities that they ascribed to Him. It was only after Jesus came did that one God with many names of the Jews become our Father - the God of Love and Salvation.

From all of this you may suppose that I am a Christian. Well, I am, and I live in the Celestial Spheres; for I must tell you that I became converted to the truths of the teachings of Jesus many years ago, and my progression in the development of my soul has been such that I am now in the Celestial Spheres.

I merely wanted to write this to show you that man has been a maker of gods for so many years that they cannot be numbered; and that it was only when the great truths came with the coming of Jesus that the real existing God and all His attributes were revealed to mankind.

Yes, I know, many of the people who lived in my time, and long since, have never learned the truth of the soul development, and live in the happiness which has come to them with the progress of their intellects. But many of them have also been brought into the Light and Truth.

I will not write more, but will say,

Good night,


Received 11/4/1915, new-birth.net


Hello History Dude. Ok, so I would like to make a few requests. Could you "orient" me by explaining how this fall of Nineveh is reckoned, by its proximity to the "War of the Medes and Persians"? (in terms of Dates, Rulers, Territory, and literature). Also, I believe that the name Xerxes is pronounced "zerkzeez". It would help if you could explain more about him, since he was sort of pivotal, in the history of his own Dynasty. Also, he was married to Queen Ester, the Jewess, as per the book in the Bible, named "Ester". In the Bible, it gives his name in his own language since the name Xerxes is the greek version of his name, I believe.    If you have a Bible handy (or you could google it) at the end of the Book of Ester, it quotes a number of other history books about the War of the Medes and Persians that are no longer extant (that I know of). After Asherbanapal / Xerxes married Ester, he got into the War of the Medes and the Persians and his whole DYNASTY WAS DESTROYED. This is given as a minor footnote, at the end of Ester. So it looks like Ester and her husband eventually died in less than ideal circumstances.  So, regarding " the fall of Nineveh", it is important in "reference" for the understanding of as many of 3 different racially separate time lines! Would you please help me out, with some CONTEXT?  It would really help if you could mention those alternative sources, from literature and history~ the biblical sources have been deeply researched, mapped, the whole 9 yards!! In fact, the TOMB of both Xerxes and Ester are KNOWN!! Please explain,   where it is on those time lines, also!  For the Jews, there was a crucial point, where they were slaves in Nineveh, as well as a city more famous called Echbatana (in its own time, it was more famous). Read the 1st chapter of the book of Judith in the Bible (or Apochrypha, if you only use the King James version, which leaves out half the canonical bbooks). On the first page of the book of Judith, it explains how in the 12th year of Nebuchadnezzar in Nineveh, he got into some stuff, that led eventually to the events that caused a war with Syria. This eventually led to the captivity of the Jews, who lived in that territory. So the book of Judith is a preamble, which explains how one thing led to another. That little piece of trivia is CRUCIAL TO UNDERSTAND !! Look it up, on the first page, of the first chapter of the Book of Judith. In the 12th Year of Nebuchadnezzar in Nineveh, he was in an alliance with a guy named Arphaxad who ruled over the Medes in Ecbatana. There was a war on the great plain that is on the border of Ragau, involving the hill country, Euprhates, Tigris, Hydaspes. CRUCIAL INFORMATION !!! It doesn't seem that important, in terms of the history of war, per se, but its VERY important to us, because it EXPLAINS HOW THE JEW ENDED UP IN BABYLON.  This territory (Syria) refused to help out Nebuchadnezzar during some sort of campaign he was running in tandem with the greek dude. After he had won his battle/ war, he decided to go back and get "revenge" on the folks that had refused to co-operate. The entire book of Judith is the story of how that happened. It would really HELP if you could present a much wider time line, of the role of Ecbatana, where the Jews were ALSO LOCATED an d explain, who was involved, why,   in a wider time line. The reality is that the whole time line is HUGE. It starts a  thousand years before, during the Akkadian epoch, when Nimrud and Babylon were built in the first place. The Jews of course know this, since they reckon their lineage back to Noah (Nimrud is the grandson of Noah, traditionally). So at the place you have given in history, we are at least 1000 years down the road from the starting point, back in the days of Noah. Where are we in history? Why are the greeks involved in this? Who was occupying the outlying territory?  Also, I would like you to explain more about this character "Holofernes" who is designated as chief general in the story of the Book of Judith. I don't mean to cast disparaging remarks upon the nation that produced Alexander the Great, but really, some of these stories about greek generals in the bible, make they look like a bunch of hallucinating, drunken, homosexual, freakazoids. Some of these stories make it look like they are far from "competent" as generals. I could give you other examples (mostly from the book of Maccabees, which reads like some sort of farsical comedy, in terms of war fare) Could you give us some back ground on "Holofernes" (clearly a greek)? Who was this dude? Whats up with that?!? I can only imagine how some of these rulers tore their hair out, when they got news from the front --lol OY !!


Color is important for truth sake tp stop making everyone white
