Full Stack Developers will take over. This is why.

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Full-stack developers and generalists are back! This is the "why" version of the full stack roadmap you've been looking for. I think you should be a full stack generalist more now than ever before.

0:00 Intro
0:16 Why normal interest rates make full stack developers important again
7:00 How full stack developers can fill in anywhere
9:27 Full stack developers are better at using AI tools

#fullstack #fullstacksoftwareengineering #fullstackdeveloper
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Please consider subscribing if you haven't already 🙏 really encourages me to make more videos. Thanks!


This is like ASMR for full stack devs.


My experierence with full stack devs is that they can indeed build and deploy apps by themselves, but the quality, maintainability and scalability is usually nowhere near the quality a large growing business needs that needs to keep up with that app for 10 or 15 years. Sure, a full stack dev can do backend, but it's not gonna be as sturdy and future-proof as the backend that a specialist would build. Yea, the front-end is nice and shiny, but tends to lack the true, deeper levels of proper UX and subtile communication that a full-time designer would implement. A full stack dev is great for small and medium-sized companies. But once a company seriously scales, it's going to need specialists. A full stack dev who can do literally anything, will never on the existence of the planet have the opportunity to be a skilled in ANY of the things as a specialist, and sooner or later that will cause a burden.


"believe it or not, the whole thing" - Bro I felt that lmfao. It is wild to me how many people went to school for four years and can only make some literal buttons in some weird obscure JS framework


I love the story approach 😂I just subscribed.


Dude, you’re killing it. You are the Steve McQueen of software development. Long live the anti-hero.


The slides worked well. I had attention the whole time 👍


I was a fullstack dev for 15 years then went to a company where they divided the work by roles. One significant thing I noticed is each role became much more complex. When you have people dedicated to just deployment, they're going to make deployment sooo over-engineered. Likewise for frontend, testing and the rest.
As fullstack, we were forced to be somewhat simple in comparison. We're couldn't introduce 10 new paradigms and libraries in every layer of the solution, there's just not enough time in the day. Honestly some layers were a bit neglected (no unit tests or whatever). But dear god, it was so much more sane overall.


You missed the bit about where the manager decides to go to a low cost country, takes on a whole team for the price of a costa then all hell breaks loose.


Your middle manager is very fair. Normally they want 250k from a 300k project :)


as a QA engineer I appreciated thanos snap taking us out last 😂


Full stack does not mean web and database. It means knowing how to get a concept from concept to production.


The last minute is the key to the whole video. Software development in 2024 is about understanding the parts of an application and working in tandem with generative AI to build full stack applications very quickly. That's not quite as easy as it sounds, but that's where things are going.


😅😅😅 what a nice story, I will keep this locally and always watch it as a reminder to admire my role as a full stack Dev.


The perfect amount of developers on a project is 1.
Won‘t work all the time, but I’m convinced about it.


thats why freelancing is so nice it's because most of the times you have these situations where there is you, and the client, without having 50 layers of middle management and 20 other developers working all on different parts of the same app, maybe you have two or three guys and they get the job done
when our teacher used to teach us system design and computer systems architecture i couldnt even believe that there was people hiring a guy just to talk to them and draw diagrams and write documents and a bit of sql here and there
because in my mind i always was thinking hey how can i make an app from a to z... that's why i got into web dev in the first place to make apps because i have the dream to one day live off my own mini apps and be able to be financially free... and to be frank i am at that point, i still have a ton to learn but i can make projects from a to z ... and man that is soooo satisfying when you see that you can actually build something and see it come to life just by typing text on a screen
FUNNY how the front end dev says to ai build me an app in react 19 even if react 19 is still in RC and isnt even stable yet .... 10:14


The nightmare starts when the full stack dev has to give support to the app and, at the same time, fix bugs, implement new features, etc.


Sir, thank you so much for this encouraging video. I graduated with my Bachelor's in Computer Science in December 2022, took a year off to travel and pursue other things, and now I've been struggling with finding a new job (my current doesn't pay well and doesn't use my degree) and I've been doubting whether full-stack web development is really a viable or safe choice for me. But, with this video, I'm inspired to not give up.


Excellent video. Thank you for emphasizing the core problem, which most people do not ever learn much about or properly understand; central banking. The Fed. By inflating the money supply, distorts markets and creates asset bubbles, and people become accustomed to a standard of living that isn’t real or sustainable. What goes up, must come down. The higher and more rapid the climb, the harder the fall. Developers became accustomed to specializing in part of the stack, which also inflated tech stacks. There are mountains of code and outrageous, unnecessary new complexity in every aspect of the stack now - particularly in front-end. We’re mostly still just creating CRUD on the internet, like we were 2 decades ago with a fraction of this cruft! Tech labor is massively overpriced due to The Fed inflating the money supply and it must necessarily deflate. I welcome a return to sanity and look forward to capitalizing again as a career full stack dev.


UX designer who does true UX, not just pixel pushing (which can be replaced with tailwind) and proficient in FE Dev, paired with a true full stack is the ideal pairing in my experience and can scale.
