One day my kids will understand 💜

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I completely understand the sacrifices we make as fathers. Men who are trying to leave a legacy behind... 💯%


TIME and BEING THERE is far more important than money. One day you'll see that. Take it from a 60 year old who missed so many of the "moments" that money can't buy. Bless you.


Teaching them how to take care of themselves is also important


Misplaced values but a good heart. I would take having a relationship with my dad any day over money.


By giving everything to your kids doesn't set them up for success in life but for failure. Give them advice, give them of your time, give them wisdom and humility. Those things are priceless. Money comes and goes but the wisdom that you give them would stay with them forever. You have a good heart hope the best for you bro ✌🏼


No way, forget that dude, be there now when they need you


Being present in your childrens' lives is much more important.


One regret i have in life is missing out on my kid , same as you I had to make the money etc. Spend as much time as you can. Memories are much more important .Kids grow up so fast then its too late to realize you can’t buy time and their affection with the money you have worked so hard for.


Man, I can see your heart . There is no freaking way anybody has to say about anything about what you say ! I would love to have somebody like you as a mentor . applyed to you and waiting for an Awnser back ..:)
You are the kind of people hungry hustlers like us want to be surrounded by to be better God bless you and your family !



the thing any money can't purchase at all: unique moments with the loved ones. always remember that.


I have been grown up in a poor family and it has its pros and cons. The pro is that I am the person that probably appreciate life and the things that I have more than somebody that it is given to. The con is that I always wanted to follow my passion when I was young but wasn’t be able to, my mom didn’t had time for me bc she was always working and I started to work @10 years old to get me to buy things that I wanted. When I look back and visualize that if I didn’t had to work @10 and my mother could give me time and money to folllow my dreams, it would be a blessing if I still had the same mindset I have today. Respect for you and all you do as a father, I never met mine.


Fight for them now. These moments are priceless. Is also what you teach them not what you give or leave them. They can lose it all. If you teach them right they will always be alright. Rooting for you bro! Peace


Balance. Rationalize. And time. Money is a tool. Time is irreplaceable. Godspeed my guy


Nothing replaces being present with your loved ones, not items or toys or supposedly getting money later on. The most precious and valuable aspects in human life are 100% free...Many people miss this fact 💯💯💯 There are children who's parents earn 100X more than this guy and they are unhappy, throwing money doesn't replace conscious & present quality time with your loved ones.💯💯💯


Sorry Mamba, as good as the finances will be, kids will value and remember time spent with them over money.

Faith, family, finances - in that order 🙏


Couldn't imagine going weeks without seeing my daughter, I work around her, a couple of sacrifices here and there bit surely you have enough money now to give them all your time


The love of money is the root of all evil, family is a blessing. .. dude there's families that have nowhere near what you have but are happy and rich of love. You have the blessing of having both. How much more do you need? You're young and smart, one day you'll figure it out, just don't wait too long 🥲 🙏🏽✌🏾


God bless you my brother. You’re a true MAN, FATHER, and KING. 🙏👑


Im a father of 6 wife has kidney failure so sticking around is a must. Our kids are still little 2-12 making some decent money through our landscaping business and been doing good on the stock market but i always make time for the family.


My son turns 1 next month. My first child, my baby boy. I always make sure to spend quality time with him, whenever he falls asleep at night is the time that I get to myself (about 3 to 4 hours) before I need to sleep for my job. I have my dreams and goals that I know I will reach in due time. But my sons attention, love, laughter, curiosity, intent, development, destination comes first before anything. I already know one day I’ll have millions in the bank, my time will come, but one thing I’ll never do is neglect my son’s energy that he gives when I’m with him. Live in the present, plan for the future.
