The State of OKD4: OpenShift Kubernetes on Fedora CoreOS - CodeReady Edition

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The State of OKD4: OpenShift Kubernetes on Fedora CoreOS - CodeReady Edition
Christian Glombek and Charro Gruver (Red Hat)

OpenShift Commons Gathering KubeCon NA
November 17, 2020

Red Hat's Christian Glombek and Charro Gruver give a quick overview of the current state of the OKD 4 Kubernetes Distribution and where it is going next. Starting with a reminder of where OKD sits within the Kubernetes ecosystem, they follow up with a quick update on where OKD is going with the introduction of version 4.6. They'll close out with a demonstration of the CodeReady Containers developer tool, built from the OKD 4.5 code base for developing locally with ease.

466768 The State of OKD4 withSlides

I'm curious if ceph and/or brtfs and/or ntfs and/or asynch pods could be spun up and synched...
can one spin up a virtual ceph cluster on a single device and would it have benefits over brtfs ?
