The Angel Decks that got me started

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In this video I share how my journey with angel and oracle cards began and the decks I used to get to where I am today!


Angel of Light Cards by Diana Cooper
Healing with the angels oracle by Doreen Virtue
Archangel Oracle by Doreen Virtue
Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine

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6:11 Thank you, I’m so glad to finally hear someone speak of Doreen in a nonjudgmental way. I have so many of her Angel decks, Healing with Angels & the Angel Tarot as well. I never knew of the Archangel deck, lucky you😇 and I love how Hay House reissued them as Radleigh Valentine’s decks too & didn’t take them completely away. Good to see her or her decks not get trashed on for once, you spoke of her with so much kindness & respect. You were so nice & kind🙏🏼😍😇


I am thankful with Doreen because trough an online workshop she was doing years ago, she introduced a young vibrant spiritual man to the audience... And since that moment I have followed and learned from you Kyle ♥️


Thank you Kyle for speaking about Doreen Virtue with such maturity and grace. It's all part of the play of Consciousness. ❤


Whatever is birthed through us takes life of its own. Just like babies come to this world through us but not for us. We don’t own them. Even if I decided to disown my kids tomorrow it wouldn’t take a tinies bit of their incredible value. The same way I don’t care what does Doreen Virtue thinks about the creations that came through her. I have The Healing With Angels deck and I still enjoy it as much as the other 3 decks of hers on my shelf. The readings with them are always highly accurate and love infused. Thank you dear for letting them come through you. I wish you luck in whatever you do next.


Thank you so much for this story and your open heart. I have so many Doreen Virtue decks and I put them in a box and tucked them away. I felt at the time even though she has an absolute right to, and should, follow the her own path, I felt she created a safe space for a lot of people and then really turned on them in a horrible way so I left my collection behind until now but you inspired me that these were created with an open heart and the rest is pretty irrelevant. 😉🥰🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️💛💚✌️🧡💙💜✌️🤍💜💚💛✌️✌️😉🫶 you are a gem Kyle. “What the world needs now, is love sweet love. No not just for some but for everyone “. That’s what the angels bring. Thanks for your work. 😘✌️🙏🏻😉❤️💜💙🧡


That "healing with the angels" by doreen virtue deck was pretty much my first deck too!! Also I think you're absolutely right about Doreens journey and path she felt called to go on. I will always be thankful for her work that laid a foundation and initial interest that you and your work cemented and helped flourish


I love you Kyle and I love your cards! AND...can we please take a moment and talk about the awesome Grogu you have in the background...makes me love you even more! LOL


My first ever deck was the Diana Cooper angel deck and that was over 20 years ago. Still got them and still use them.


My first deck was two. I purchased the Good Tarot by Collette and your Angels and Ancestors.


My first ever Oracle card deck that got me started was… Kyle Gray’s Angel and Ancestors Oracle Card Deck. I pulled the Star Ancestor card 8 times in a row!!! Still my favorite go to, most used deck I own. Love u Kyle🥰🫶🏼🩵🩵✨


Always lovely to see you, Kyle__you're llike bright sunshine with a smile. 😇
Yeah, it was kind of a bummer when I heard about Doreen, at the same time, the Energy she imbued while creating all her Angel works is still presented in them. And you're right about respecting her decision to change her path__like I always say, if your truth changes you must live accordingly lest you present yourself as a hippocrate. After all, isn't that the best any of us can do(?). 🙏😇
Thank you for always sharing yourself and your tools of divination with us, I have 4 of your decks, which are the only ones I own at present__and I love them all. 😇💖 However, Angels and Ancestors was my first deck and HOW I got them was pretty 'strange'.
I received an email from Hay House announcing a sale on all Oracle decks. As I was scrolling through the pages trying to decide which to choose, that deck came into my peripheral view to my right. At the EXACT moment I focused on the deck, the little fawn went from a 'napping' position with his head down facing left, to ABRUPTLY looking straight ahead, at me, as if to say, HEY! at the same time. 😱 That was my 'cue'__I KNEW this deck 'picked me', instead of the other way around so, of course, I had to have it! 😇😺
From the moment I received them, opened and touched them, I felt the Energy imbued in them very strongly. And since performing a little ritual to seal my connection with them they have provided fabulous messages with every reading! They are my FAVORITE deck! 💖
Love, Light, and Angel Blessings. 😇✨💫🌱🌿🌻🐝🌳🌎💖🙌😺


Haha, yes BUFFY the Vampire Slayer 🤍. Thanks for this video.. your Earth Angel presence just GLOWS ✨


My first oracle card was from Doreen and I have her entire collection. Still use them today.


I overlooked Radleigh for a while. Unsure why, but I have all of his decks now. The depth of his tarot cards is brilliant. The only negative I have is the size. Hay house thankfully though is starting to recognise that smaller sizes are much better from a users perspective, and there are more decks being released that are narrow like the curious creatures.


Thank you so much for all the background info on D.V., her card deacks, and your own personal journey. Your story and your decks have always resonated with me from day 1. I am grateful for the light you bring into this world 🙏🏽 Namaste 🙏🏽


I really enjoyed hearing about your start with the oracle cards. I too started with Doreen Virtue but was was so disappointed when she denounced all her work. It turned me off from oracle cards until I met you! Thank you for that loving explanation.


Oh wow, one of my first ever decks too, I also loved her little book Earth Angels.

Would you ever think about bringing out a Tarot deck, Kyle?


I love the angel Oracle cards although I am not an expert but I can understand the messages and I love you and how you teach us thank you thank you thank you Kyle 🙏🏼🙏🏼🎉


I have doreens cards and radley's and yours. Thanks Kyle. My first pack was Doreens and Radley's Angel Tarot when i was awakening and then healing with the angels. I have all of the sets now. Thank you. ❤


so informative a well spoken i also have the angel decks and i guess it time to pull them out again. thank you Kyle for the walk down memory lane.
