How to Install AltStore without Computer on iPhone and NEVER get Revoked again

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#unc0ver #Jailbreak #iOS14 #Altstore

1. ⁠Install the main AltStore program, deb files👇

4. ⁠Enter the main AltStore program and log in to your AppleID. After logging in, you will be prompted to refresh, and then refresh a new AltStore, regardless of this
5. ⁠Pour in the IPA that needs to be signed, and it will be signed during the signing process. Refresh again and cancel it.
6. ⁠After the signature is completed, go to the settings to check whether there is a certificate. As long as you have no operation error.

if you Have a Original Altstore you have to install AltStorePatch

no need to connect to the computer once and no need to manually modify the ALTDeviceID to use AltStore signature normally 😉

AltstorePatch deb file

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Frequently Asked Questions:

1. ⁠State Bank self-healing network equipment
2. ⁠Tip UDID invalid login, please fill in your own check steps above the UDID is correct, canceled after a change of phone
3. ⁠an account not on the landing can continue to try to account for a 4 Please delete the AltStore you installed before installing this main program
4. ⁠Please delete the installed software with BundlelD before signing the software
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Good video!! Query, it only works on iOS 14?


*So what's next whether the other altstore is deleted or what, because my altstore crashes while refreshing the app, please answer.*
