Skin thickness in rhinoplasty

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Hello everybody
In this video, I want to talk about the skin factor in rhinoplasty.
Skin quality is an important factor for both the rhinoplasty surgeon and the patient undergoing surgery.
Our patients are also aware of the importance of skin quality.
After the examination, almost all of our patients ask us about the quality of their skin.
We classify the skin as thin, normal and thick skin in Rhinoplasty practice.
The most desirable skin is, of course, normal skin.
Normal skin should be thick enough to camouflage minor problems that may occur in the nose, and thin enough to reflect the beautiful shape given to the nose.
We do not use an instrument to measure the thickness of the nasal skin in our normal practice. After the physical examination of our patient, it will be understood by the Rhinoplasty physician whether they have thick skin or thin skin.
So what are the characteristics of thin skin?
Thin skin can completely reflect the beautiful shape we give to the nose, but it is also thin enough to show minor problems. In other words, it is the disadvantage of thin skin that it cannot hide minor problems. The superior aspect is that it reflects the beautiful things.
Thick skin is a very good camouflage. It camouflages minor problems that may occur in the nose very well. However, its disadvantage is that it cannot fully reflect the beautiful shape given to the nose. Another disadvantage is that pointed and sharp lines cannot be obtained in patients with thick skin. Thick skin has its own algorithm. Stronger and more cartilage is needed to shape a thick-skinned nose. I briefly talked about skin quality. Have a nice day.
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Doktor salam mən Azərbaycandan Zaur. Mənim burnum çok ağır travma almış. Amaliyyat etdirdim bir kere. Yeni bir revizyon amaliyyat etdirmək istəyirəm. Siz benim burnumu ameliyat edirsinizmi?
