Challenge the GAME - Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal ED 6 (English Cover)

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My English cover of 'Challenge the GAME', Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal's sixth ending (or Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal II's third ending). Originally sung by REDMAN.
So, Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal... Probably the most hated Yu-Gi-Oh! series out there. And I kinda get why, because let's be honest, it had an awful start. But when things picked up, oh boy did it redeem itself! Too bad most people already dropped the show by then. But what Zexal did right most of the time, was it's music! Some of my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! songs are Zexal OP/ED songs. And this one is by far my favorite!
So I recorded this before I did 99% from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, which you can check out on my channel, but I didn't feel like mixing it yet. Heck, I didn't even plan to upload it right now! But when I opened the project file by accident, I decided to mix it anyway... Why? Because I didn't feel like looking for the other project file and let that one load. Yes, I'm that lazy and impatient. I'll get the other cover done by next week ;)
We've wished upon our dreams in
The past, the future, yeah even now, it's always been the same
'till they finally come true
Challenge the GAME!
Ready? Go!
This challenge sometimes feels unbeatable
But we'll just try again, if we're beaten
Believe in your heart and you will receive the inconceivable
It's the bonds we've forged that will always pull us through
Don't you cry, or say goodbye, when things will not work out
Gather your friends, connect your hands and we will stand proud
We can do anything, so
Don't fear your fate, it's not too late, all your dreams will come true
With our strong determination we'll succeed
We'll wish upon our dreams in
The past, the future, yeah even now, it's always been the same
And to reach our goals we'll go
Beyond the limits
'til we find where we belong
Challenge the GAME!