Java Tutorial for Beginners - Made Easy - Step by Step

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A 7 day class edited so tight, what resulted was just 6 hrs of video. No pauses, No hmm.
Made for people with short attention span.
The easiest way to learn Java. The video has been updated with new features of the language.
In 6 hrs you will learn all the important concepts of Java, each explained using small simple programs. The teaching method used, will be the easiest way to learn Java, that you will ever find.

Now updated to the latest Java 8 version. Includes topics on Generics, Console input, Reflection, Annotations, Lambdas and Stream API
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Not to exaggerate, this is my first you tube comment. Being a mechanical engineer, i wanted to just browse through basics of java to understand some micro controller codes.
But the presentation was so eloquent and gripping that i decided to finish the course. 4 hours for a complete language is not a joke. I just cant guess how many hours of hard work you would have put in to make this concise and clear. Hats off to you, Patrick. 


Thank you, Patrick. After 30 years in the industry, I came to check how different people teach Java. The way how you do it rocks.


I'm only 32 minutes into the video (I took a break to eat), but I can say for sure that this video IS the best java programming video anywhere found on the internet. I've learned more here than anywhere else because they explained it like we already knew what args and strings were. Great job, patrick :).


All I can say about this tutorial is "Woooow"

The best. This guy should teach "Teachers"


Being a first year computer science student with no prior programming experience, I didn't understand anything in my university lectures and labs now everything is starting to make sense.Excellent tutorial,


8 years ago I did this tutorial. It was my very first programming lesson. Coming from a non-computer science background this helped me beyond words. Today I run a software company.
I cannot ever thank you enough. Bro, you made me who I am today. Thank you.


I remember him saying at one point in the video that when he was first learning Java he struggled with the concept of how objects worked and I believe this tutorial was inspired from his passion to help the beginner. The lesson plan introduces things a well-thought-out order and the exercises are relevant to real life situations where the Java language comes to use. This video has been edited to have maximum content and minimal down time. I must have re-watched sections of this video over 20 times for them to really sink in and the result was the feeling of being enlightened when things really started coming together. If I could go back, this video itself would have been my single starting point for Java. I highly recommend picking up the full version to support Patrick's contribution (and see the rest of the video. The 2 hour mark is my favorite part)


I am a freshman IT student and I just started today.
This guide is very comprehensive and very engaging.
Thank you for uploading the tutorial


I'm a CS major and my dad sent me this video to help me learn the basics of Java. I heard Java is the hardest language to learn. But this video is so clear and concise that it made it super easy. Only problem is the accent, I do speak Urdu yet it was hard to understand some things. All in all. Great Job Patrick! I learned alot in and hour and a half then if I wasted 15+ on code academy.


892 people are jealous of how concise and great of a video this is. I'm bilingual as well (native English speaker), and your accent and syntax are great.


I'm a beginner about Java programming. I have learned one year java in a school, and I was looking for some tutorial video on web, but your videos are the most practice-oriented, well-structured and understandable what I have ever seen. Thank you Patrick! Greetings from Hungary,


Reproducing the previously top  rated comment and my reply to it. This shows the exact advantage of my video. 
From weefunkster: 
Incredible pace and excellent learning structure. I bit the bullet and payed for the full course and I have no regrets whatsoever. The price would be worth it for the editing alone, I can't tell you how bad it is for a learner to hear the instruction's then have to wait for the instructor to type the code before getting an explanation. I didn't realize it was so bad until I watched this and I wondered why my mind wondered all over the place and I didn't learn a thing. Truly Brilliant
My Reply: 
Thank You! I am so so happy that at-last someone realized the effort that went into editing and the true advantage of the video. People write and ask how can someone learn Java in 4 hrs? This is not a 4 hr class, but a full 5 day(40 hrs) class. Edited so tight(No err, uhh, sometimes I edited out even the time between the words) that what resulted is a 4hr video. Even I was shocked at so few hours!


In my life, I've never seen a webcast with full of energy and values. Topping up, it was elaborative, friendly - the narrator not even stammers a single second. The flow of teaching is like so well done and even a noob can understand JAVA. Java coding and basics teaching can't be better than this! I'm a software engineer, I mean what I say!


This is really great....For the first time i hve spent 1hr :27 mins in front of tutorial video without even moving from seat.


The Best Java tutorial class that I ever seen in my QA life. Only I would like to say, "God Bless You!"


Wow, I used to think programming is hard but this eloquent teacher proved me wrong. I love the way you teach from the basic (syntax) I took python programming class and I came out with nothing in my mind because I didn't learn the syntax and learning syntax is a very important and it will make your programming easy
Hats off SIR.


Thank you so much for this video! You made me understand in 1 1/2 hour what my teacher had a hard time doing in 3 months!


I am a senior high student and our professors weren't as good as this man! I wad able to understand java without any buffering in mind. I am very grateful to you sir. Thank you!


I just viewed the comments even before clicking on download button and believe me, its gonna be a good learning experience. Thank you for putting together such an exceptional and mastery piece of work.


One of the best internet tutorials out there. I have to say I got a little scared I wouldn't understand him but he clearly knew what he was talking about and is a great instructor.
