How To Carry Your Feeding Teammates To Victory | League Of Legends

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How To Carry Your Feeding Teammates To Victory | League Of Legends




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S N A P C H A T: iamaturtlez
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Tip #1 : Fix your settings.
Tip #2: "/mute all" chat box.
Tip #3: Buy control wards every time you back.
Tip #4: Always look at the mini map.
Tip #5: Focus on the game.



Good video bro. Came to your channel watched 1 vid. LIke your style and subscribed. Keep up the good vids dude.


This week I didn't fully realize it until today, but my roommate is a flamer when he plays league and dota2. man what a guy. Your videos and listening to him made me realize if i focus on myself more, I'll improve much faster Thx m80


Something about your videos make me think, "maybe just Maybe.. I can carry these people". Favorite champ Bard.


this video helped me carry my team when my adc, supports, and top were ALL 0/6. I repeat ganked out mid lane ahri and helped her get fed and we won the game. So thank you, it was all in my head before and I now know I can change the game myself.


another cool stuff from my favourite youtuber so far
just keep doing this kind of vids u r helping us alot
have a good day :)


Oi Danyon it's always good to see you back! Solid tips right there. And btw fav champ is Udyr (FeelsBadMan)


Banana, blueberry, oats and spinach fruit smoothie with some scrambled eggs on the side. Great video x


hey danyon i have a quick question, how do you carry teammates that fed in both lanes (assuming you're mid) and now the entire enemy team are all mid and are pressuring your lane? assuming im not that fed (2/0/0), what would be the correct thing for me to do? should i stay mid and try to defend with my team if they all come? should i split push other lanes while my team defends mid and hope that my team doesnt die? also, what if the enemy team starts grouping as 5 and start taking objectives together and theres no way we can win teamfights because my team is weak and i cant split because then theyll just rush an objective. i've never known what to do in that situation...


"some random shit" as you requested, Danyon!
No, I am serious. It looks like you are back for real. Very well done videos, your work and dedication is recognised! Thanks!


Loved the tips :D even if I've heard some before, it's a good reminder


Is Xin Zhao good enough to carry 8.6? I’ve been enjoying playing him lately. I also play Jax and Yi I just feel like I’m more consistent with Xin.


Love your stuff mate - one of the few lol youtubers giving actual practical advice, that can be executed by low elo scrubs like myself.. just one thing please say "calculated" not "caculative" it was triggering me haha


Thank you. I thought before your advice I have to help lane who suck


Hi Danyon, I always love your videos. I just had a question - if I am the one who is carrying my teammates, should I give potential kills to my allies to make them do less worse, or should I take all the kills?


Great vid bro. Could you link that vid you mentioned at 1:55 determining your teammates? Think that would be a huge help. :)


i love you fr you really help me, but i got a question. i really only play gp, due to him being the only champ i really enjoy. and ive taken a lot of things you've said to heart and i climbed from silver 5 to silver1 100 lp and as you know gp sucks massive cock in the early game and the problem im having is that sometimes while im just farming up like ill be 0/0/0 with around 100 cs at 13 minutes, thats the average that ive noticed, but my bot will be like 1/5 against a draven and one of my mid or jungle will be playing well but the other isnt. it usually just snowballs out of control and i personally dont know what to look for or what to do. :/


grape nuts, brand, and nunya bizness SHANA DOX!


Your great dude and Alsooo pancake graves 2inch?


Hey bro, im a lee sin main in bronze 2 and i win 0% of my games. Literally. I usually carry, getting around 8-10 kills per game, with mountains of assists, but i still cant win. The game is always thrown even if i barely die/feed. I know im the problem, but i have no clue why. I think i have good mechanics in team fights. I practice insecs regularly and can flash kick and other combos. I normally make drake plays and predict where the enemy jungler is and decide which ganks are better than others. But yet i cannot win. Is there a way you can help in anyway. I've already watched your jungle guides. Thanks.
