no words

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I have no words
no words that can heal
all that is broken
or for what they feel

no, I have nothing
for this sort of pain
but we can keep loving
We will love in their name

And though some are broken
We will not be scared
You can't take away kindness
You can't take away care

But I have no words
that can help with the pain
My heart’s with the grieving
because what could I say.
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I know this was written for the Manchester bombing, but I visit it after every tragedy. Today was supposed to be for spreading love, instead kids were shot dead at school. This is why I stand for stricter gun laws in america, for the families and the lives that were snuffed out too early.


Holy shit..
Her voice is breathtaking


If only people were like everyone in this comment section- the world would be such a better place.


Thank you for this song Dodie. One of my close friends died in the attack and I can't really work out anything. I'm heartbroken. This is a comforting song to hear


"My heart's with the grieving...because what could I say."
Those are some powerful relatable words dodie...thank you.


I love how Dodie doesn't show her face in this video because it really makes you focus on the words and the message she's trying to say.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King, Jr."

A quote we must all hold dear to our hearts at such a time.


Tears. Gotta keep being open and being loving and spreading kindness and connecting and celebrating all of the good in this's the only way we can counteract the hate, the evil. Love you dods xx


Two years later and mid pandemic this song is still so real and raw. "You can't take away kindness, you can't take away care". The amount of people caring in these times is so reassuring that there is hope for humanity.


lost one of my best friends to that attack. rip Georgie. I loved you so much


"But we can keep loving
We will love in their name"
Tears started, such a beautiful song x


it's people like dodie that will one day keep the world together.


Not sure if anyone has posted but chords are C Gm Dm F. Use Fm for the middle two endings though, where she goes high at the end of the phrase. Thank you for this tribute, prayers to all affected <3


This is beautiful Dorothy Clark, thank you.
It is so heart breaking, as we all know, but people coming together is the best we can do, and one day we'll learn that it shouldn't take pain and suffering for us all the get along.
I'm sending all my love to those who've suffered from the recent event in Manchester ❤️


As I sat worried for the safety of my friends on Monday night I was truly astounded by the pure acts of kindness presented by the people of Machester. We shall not let terror break us, we shall stand united in memory of those who sadly lost their lives due to another persons monstrous act, fear not, continue to live with passion and love always, to live in fear fuels the hate. Concerts are a place where people should continue to have the time of their lives and feel safe. Nobody should go to a concert and never come home. My heart bleeds for the victims families at this sad time. The way you present feelings through art really hits me Dodie, I love this


Thank you, it's been such a sad week due to the Manchester bombing that took place on Monday. It's amazing to see influential people such as yourself comforting and knowing you care about what happened. You're really helping those who need it <3


this song leaves me with chills. every time i hear it. i'm a person who sings along with every song, but i can't bring myself to sing along here. this song speaks volumes. i don't understand how someone could hurt others, but this is the way to combat against the terror and pain in the world. dodie, thank you for this. everything you do means so much to me. i sang sick of losing soulmates at my talent show. people cried. thank you for this.


There's something about Dodie that is so human and I feel like that makes her so lovable and helps us feel for her when she's upset, it's so real and devastating


I needed this today! Our city's broken right now, but we're strong and resilient! It's completely unacceptable that so many innocent lives were taken on Monday, and it's shaken me up completely. It's hard to believe that a world which has people like Dodie in it also has people who are willing to kill others in it! We love you Dodie❤️🙌🏻


I'm so sorry to hear about your fan Gina. It's horrible how the world is nowadays. It's like even your house is safe anymore. You have helped so much with everything in life at the moment and I want to thank you. We all love you Dodie. ❤️❤️❤️


This has hit so close to home, a place I spent my childhood in and continue to do now, in a venue i love. I don't think i can walk into Manchester Arena again without being overcome by great sadness but i'll never be scared to walk through the streets of my favourite city. Thank you for this Dodie, even though it made me cry it was lovely and your words will mean a lot to so many. <3
