Constructing equations and formulas | Unit 1 and 2 VCE Maths Methods

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This video is aimed at students about to commence Unit 1 and 2 study of VCE Mathematical Methods. The skills covered here are essential for success in Mathematical Methods. These skills should be very familiar to you from your Year 9 and 10 studies, but now is the time to brush up.

This video looks at constructing equations in order to solve worded problems.

In this video, I work through a series of examples. You might consider pausing the video to attempt each question before checking your answer against my solution.

My class uses the Cambridge Senior Mathematics textbook for Units 1 and 2 Mathematical Methods for the Australian Curriculum / VCE. The work covered in this video corresponds to exercises 1A and 1F in that textbook.

Throughout the video I make use of the TI Nspire CAS CX II handheld.
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For example 2 can we label the smallest no' x middle no' x+1 largest no' x+2. ?


Loved it! You’re an amazing teacher :)
