The best music in the game honestly. I love David Bergeaud. Such a great composer.
Luna was so difficult to beat, I still feel the thrill and how I was shaking once I finally beat her😆
Love this song. Gives that 2000s vibes.
Luna wasn't hard, you just had to accept you weren't going to use a gun you needed to level up, i remember that single rocket launcher thing did massive damage
Just made me realise I had a Lit childhood
I loved this soundtrack, but hated the level because of Luna xD
This is definitely the best and most fitting music in the game. Reminds me of Eudora, as both planets are very green and they have funky/weird music.
The song that comes to mind whenever i think of R&C size matters
This planet alongside with the trippy dreamworld were the highlights of the game for me. Both had unique and interesting ideas.
Never noticed how awesome the soundtrack cause of how frustrating the level was from luna to the bullet sponge were-sheep.
I remember alot of my friends couldn't beat the spacship on challax and never made it to this planet because they all gave up, and i was the only one who made it which made me feel like a pro, nostalgia😂
First Ratchet and Clank I Played that got me into The Series. Took me 2 to 3 Days to beat Luna.
I haven't played ratchet and clank for nearly a decade, man i really miss those games
This game was my first Ratchet è clank! I was like 7 years old (now I'm 20) and I still remember this soundtrack! Wow ♥
The Pizz are on fire🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 and that drum pattern. My favourite planet.
Nostalgia ! I've been looking for this music for soo long
This song is such a repeatable classic for me. I don't know what it is about this song or this level but this was my first R&C game from my childhood. I'll sometimes never be able to remember what I did 30 minutes ago, but during any mental downtime this is what usually plays in my head
Best memories of this is being stuck on the level for literally no reason at 3 am at a sleep over just bumping to this song non stop to pass the night
"Over there lets go get her!"
"uh rachet? do you see something odd about luna?"
"(rachet being dumb)well..she has a big door behind her head.."
"Very good rachet but the thing is we dont know why"
(i dont remember the rest rip)
Id say this might be the catchiest soundtrack every made by the God himself David Bergeaud ❤🔥💪 Not only that all Ratchet & Clank Games are so cool to play, the soundtracks make a big amount of it why people love them!