245. Beginner Slavic Witch - Thursday Salt

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Watch me doing my first ever Thursday Salt!
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So interesting, thank you for this great knowledge and sharing with us. I tried to do some research on the subject. Surprisingly there are mostly some contributions from young ladies who have a lot of kitchen utensils with hexagrams on it ( to which I have no objection) and a preference for spelling the word 'magic' with 'ck' (to which I cannot help but having a rather strong opinion about) ...ANYWAY: there was one interesting clip from a lady who explained that in the orthodox church this salt was made on 'great Thursday' in Ireland we say 'Good Thursday' in Germany 'Green Thursday', either way, it's the Thursday before Easter. She explained that the women used to collect 'Sunday wood' and then on the Great Thursday used to make fire with this wood and roast the salt plus ingredients over the fire in a cast iron pan. She uses rye flour but says traditionally sour dough was used. Then she goes on to explain it is necessary to use 9 plants which you find on that day, to add to the salt. It is then stored in the 'red corner' where the pictures of icons are being kept and used as needed until the next year when new batch is being made. She explained that due to the snowy and ice she couldn't find any plants until the first week of May, so that's when she finished the salt. I'm so curious to find out more about the salt. Would you have more references or sources to it? It's great if they were in Polish. Wishing you a peaceful evening


It was great to see your process behind the scenes 😄 Turned out great in the end, I think 😍🔥


Thank you Wolf, these DIY(Do It Yourself) videos are very useful and educational as well as a peek into a long ago time(but maybe not so long ago if we're still doing it). The health benefits of the proper amounts of salt cannot be underestimated.
When I lived on the East Coast America, an area known in olden times as "Norumbega", there were many outcropings of rocksalt all up and down the coast that the native Americans, the early European colonists and the animals in the area used all the time. These places were known as "Salt Licks" as the wild animals would come and "lick" the salt outcroppings to get the salt that they needed, the "Indians" and the "Whites" would wait for these animals to show up when they hunted them but this is illegal today as it's too easy for the hunters and many animals are much reduced in numbers.
In addition to the cloth bags with salt worn for protection, some early colonists would sew the salt bags up in small dolls or figures for protection and good luck for family and friends when they traveled. I still have a small "Teddy Bear", whom was named "Wojtek" after the famous Polish soldier bear, given to me by a family member when I was shipped overseas to serve in one of the wars in the early 2000s.
But getting back to the salt, back in Old Norumbega, I had an uncle who used to grow crystals of sea salt to be used as gifts on Christmas and New Year's, some of these crystals could be quite large, 6 to 8ins(15 to 20cm), depending upon the occasion or the person gifted to. With the addition of herbal or food coloring, different colored salts for different occasions or purposes could be achieved. Salt was used for many, many reasons and your video is helpful in "re-discovering" this essential mineral. Thanks again and Ta-Ta!


I always look forward to your videos, and this one was just so interesting! I never knew about Thursday salt but I love the idea, so I'll watch it again tonight and make notes, to prepare some next thursday. Please make more videos about Slavic folk witchcraft and everyday magick, the world needs to know this! Blessed be 🙏💚


Thank you so much for making this video! I am American both parents were born in Poland. I love learning about Polish witchcraft. Mama knew about it but would never teach me anything because she wanted me to be a Catholic. I will get the Baba Yaga book and make some Thursday salt also.
