More car parking planned for St John's Hospital in Livingston
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NHS Lothian are planning to create additional car parking at St John’s Hospital in Livingston. The parking is to cope with extra traffic at the hospital after the building of the new Short Stay Elective Surgery Centre (SSESC). In a letter to MSP Miles Briggs, NHS Lothian’s deputy chief executive Jim Crombie offered two possible outcomes to combat the parking issues. He said that planning dialogue had already begun with West Lothian Council for the building of 64 new spaces adjacent to a current car park. Another option being explored is to create an additional 250 spaces. This would offset the lost spaces from the new construction and also cope with the projected demand for new spaces that the Short Stay Elective will create. In his letter Jim Crombie says that formal planning will begin once the Scottish Government approve the business case for the SSESC. MSP Miles Briggs said: “It is reassuring that NHS Lothian have recognised the importance of developing extra parking spaces when the new short stay Elective Care Centre is built at St. John’s hospital. “Having enough parking for staff and patients, many of whom will have to travel from other parts of Lothian, is crucial for the smooth running of the hospital. “We now need to see approval from the Scottish Government so that NHS Lothian can get the process of developing the new car park started.” MSP Neil Findlay said: “The planning application is only to create some space for the new centre it will not address the deep seated problems faced by staff and residents who live near the hospital. If these issues are to be addressed seriously then the 250 additional spaces option should be progressed immediately.” MSP Angela Constance said: “Discussions between NHS Lothian and West Lothian Council to improve parking at St Johns have been ongoing for some time now. Thanks to the Scottish Government the new £70 million Short Stay Elective Treatment unit will ensure more people receive surgery locally but will also provide an opportunity to increase parking. “However, given the problems with parking just now it is imperative that proper planning ensures that provision actually matches current and future need.” The SSESC will be joined on to the main hospital and is expected to be completed in Spring 2021 before welcoming patients through its doors in December 2021. It is one of a network of six elective and diagnostic centres being developed across Scotland which will allow people to be treated more quickly for planned routine surgery procedures, taking pressure off unplanned and emergency treatment. More car parking planned for St John's Hospital in Livingston
West Lothian,West Lothian Council
West Lothian,West Lothian Council