Here We Grow Again!

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It's round two for the pallet garden! It's a tiny hodge podge of a garden but I love it. It's something we've made together. This year we got everything mom needs to make her world famous salsa! (people in different parts of the world know about her salsa so I'm calling it world famous)

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I love Abbie's expressions and I also love Assa's patience in teaching gardening. I also love the honesty when you ask her something..I wish others were just like Abbie :) She has so much joy in her smile.


You guys make my day..I’m a young widow with two boys 9 and 10 living away from my family.Whenever I feel sad or have a bad day I watch Abby she brings joy to me! It’s unbelievable how you guys do it and it gives me courage to keep going as well..


I love the ending!! Abby smiling even though it’s her mischievous smile. She loves playing in the dirt. I wondered after she got sprayed if she would jump in the Pool. 🤣🤣. Have a Wonderful night everyone. Or better yet. Have a Fabtabulous Weekend!!


To anyone who needs a loving hug . Here is a big hug coming your way. Just know even in tough times things get better.


In my years training to become a behavior analyst I worked with a young man who was able to get a job at ACE Hardware watering the plants. I was one of his work coaches. He functioned at a similar level to Abbie. It was really incredible to see this young man have a job, when most people would have disregarded him as a someone who could have a job.


That buckle cover is amazing! We had to use one for a brief period of time for my youngest son. One thing I would recommend also keeping in every car is one of the tools that work as both a seatbelt cutter and a windshield breaker. It was recommended to me when I took CPST courses, in the event of a crash, driving into water, etc. since it may be difficult to use the key to unlatch the seatbelt in an emergency. Also, many people may not be familiar with how it works, and I know this is most likely never a situation any of us find ourselves in (KNOCK ON WOOD), if we were trapped and unable to show a bystander how to unlock it, having that tool within arms reach could assist in getting Ab or you guys out much quicker. I keep one in my back seat pocket, and one in my glovebox.


Always be yourself. There's only one you in the world. If you're not you, no one else will be. The world needs you. You're perfect as you are.


Your videos raising your children give me faith and hope in our world. And you help me in raising my own children. You all are a light in this sometimes cloudy world.


“This is what u do when ur old.. u go and look at rocks.. 😳” Cilla in the background “I love it!” 😂


The change in Ab in the last couple of years that I’ve watched you guys is incredible! Her motor skills have got so much better recently and when she was digging she was so focus and looking at what she was doing and her movements were controlled with intent. Amazing! I’m so proud of you Abbie!


Absolutely love watching you guys. Love how you are always keeping abby engaged with new things. Never a dull moment. Love her smile! You guys are a wonderful distraction while im in hospital. Much love to you all, all the way from northern ontario canada🇨🇦💕


Watching Abbie makes me so happy regardless what my mood is like before. She is beyond amazing and so inspirational 💗


Love your videos and watching Abby grow up, learn and be happy.


Asa, I am sure your step-mom is in great hands. My mom had to have inpatient rehab after having pneumonia. They really did wonders with her. She left there a lot stronger than she was and being able to walk more than she did before pneumonia. That is saying a lot because she has prosthetics due to chemo and septic shock. It takes a lot more energy for her to walk than it does for any of us. I am glad to hear Donna is doing so well. I hope you will give an update when she gets out of rehab. I just know you all will be amazed at how well she does.


I think every comment on this thread was
very positive, very sweet and very needed in the world today. Just like this family, very positive, very sweet and very needed in this world today.


I have autism and I have found that gardening help with my autism


I’ve just fed my foster cat and she is called Petunia!!! I hope whoever reads this is having a nice day. Also if you are leaving lockdown soon enjoy and don’t forget your hand sanitiser!!! 🥰


Love this video. Unlike your critics, I see nothing but your love for Abby and hers for you. I love seeing her joking around with you in her own way. I never knew autism was so challenging until watching your channel. I was autism dumb because I didn't know anyone who was going through it. I see a lot of teaching moments for others who are raising their child with autism. I hope you all have a wonderful evening!


I love it! She looks like she was having so much fun planting the garden ♥


I’m always impressed with your efforts to teach Abbie new things I expect it’s with repetition that she will eventually learn to do many things although of course there will be things it won’t be safe for her to try. Love watching your vlogs
