Greece on fire! Thousands of tourists are fleeing the burning islands!

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Greece is experiencing a heat wave that has sparked dozens of fires across the country.
The one that broke out on July 18 afternoon in the center of the tourist island of Rhodes is the most difficult for firefighters.
The forest fire has been going on for five days.
Greek authorities are evacuating residents and tourists.
It is reported to be the largest evacuation operation ever carried out in Greece.
Local authorities on the island said they had sheltered 30,000 people threatened by the blaze.
A fire front blown by strong winds extending over 9 km creates extreme conditions.
Helicopters and hundreds of firefighters were involved in extinguishing the fire.
According to meteorologists, it is possible that Greece is waiting for the most terrible July heat in the last 50 years.
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Griechenland und andere Regionen, "Daraus lässt sich Erkennen was aus unserem Erd/Teil wird, schade das dass die Verantwortlichen nicht Verhindern". Di. 25.07.2023-18:27h.


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