Castlevania Symphony of the Night - Boss Tactics - Galamoth

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NOTE: The original FAQ listed his HP at 6,666, but other sources list it as 12,000. I'm going with 12,000 for this. Also, the boss tactics video shows Alucard using the shield rod spell with the skull shield - which is also a viable tactic.

Inverted Catacombs - Galamoth

Level: 50.
HP: 12,000
Strong VS.: None.
Immune: None.
Weak VS.: None.
Absorb: None.
Exp.: 9,999

The slew of easy bosses ends with Galamoth. Galamoth is a strictly optional fight, and for good reason, too. Packing 12,000 HP, standing two screens tall, and able to give/take the damage, this fight is not one you can breeze by, even if you are at a good enough level. First off, you'll will want/NEED the Beryl Circlet equipped here. This will restore HP by lighting damage, and he uses a few lighting attacks. (Find it by going to the beginning area in the Inverted Castle, and break the rocks where you see the Merman in the regular Castle. Both sides should be now broken. Now, starting from side, turn into the wolf, and move to the other side. From there, turn into the bat, and go back to the side you started at. I hope this makes sense... if it doesn't contact me, and I'll try to be of further assistance. Now, a wall will break in the northeast corner (speaking from the Inverted castle). The Beryl Circlet will be inside.) You'll also want the best stuff equipped. The Twilight Cloak, Alucard Sword, Alucard Mail, Dragon Helm and the Alucard Shield should be the best possible lineup. For your two relics, try equipping the Moonstone or the Sunstone to increase your stats. If you were lucky enough to find a Ring of Varda from the Paranthropus in the Inverted Outer Wall, EQUIP IT. This will raise your stats to God-like levels. For the other accesory, try something that increases attack and/or defense. It's up to you. Being at a high level will also be a big factor in this fight. At, or around, 50 is fine. Now, its time to fight! When he kneels forward with his staff, he'll do a big lighting attack. With your Beryl Circlet equipped, you'll absorb this for HP restoration. Get in there and hack away at his legs. If you're doing around 40 or 50 of damage, you're fine. With the Ring of Varda equipped, you'll get at least close to 100 easy. When he raises his staff high in the air, get all the way to the corner, because he's throwing out shadow energy balls at you. These do NOT restore your HP with the Beryl Circlet, so watch it. If they look like they're getting too close, transform into the Mist. When he stops, resume attacking. He can also thrust his staff down on you, but this shouldn't be too much of a problem. (For extra hits, try equipping the Shield Rod and Alucard Shield, then press Square and Circle at the same time, to get the Alucard Shield powered up. Then hold the shield near his legs. It'll hurt him for a good amount of damage, hopefully.) He is also vulnerable to attacks in his head, so you can try mixing things up by Wing Smashing his head. If you're not doing around 40 or 50, you may need to level up, or find the right equipment. (If you do need to level up, try fighting the Guardians near the Clock room where the final confrontation with Dracula will take place) Keep up the damage, and avoid his lethal shadow ball attacks, and eventually, he'll die out. Believe me though, it WILL take some time.

"I noticed a flaw in your Boss FAQ regarding Galamoth. While you do mention the fact that using the shield rod and the Alucard Shield can do a good amount of damage, you weren't entirely correct. Once you use the shield rod in combination with the alucard shield, all you have to do is hold out the shield and run up to Galamoth's leg and keep the shield on him. It doesn't matter what level you are, what other items you equip, and it will take all of 20 seconds. The lighnting doesn't affect you, his dark energy balls shouldn't affect you either. Now, you will get hit if you come into contact with his foot or
his mace but the damage is inconsequencial and you should get right back up and
be able to press the mightly enhanced alucard shield up against him again to
deal any finishing blows."

Notes: Oops. Yeah, I was a bit vague in my original description. This definitely shouldn't take much skill at all, though it's good if you wish to just beat
Galamoth and move on.
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wtf why do u get so much hp and no dmg? how to really deal with him easy?
