DooM II - Speed of Doom - MAP33 UV-Max Speedrun (HD Test)

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Please give comments about quality, framerate and anything else that can be improved, then I'll think about weather or not to continue with HD Doom videos.

Keep a lookout for more speedruns!
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Thanks for the comment. The sound was just the wave being too high and the widescreen is just what I like personally after seeing Doom vids on HD.


ehi there! framerate is quite okay, pretty smooth video imo, the colours are a bit screwed by a too high gamma I assume, and audio has few troubles as well (probably just a too high starting volume output, try lower it and be sure its on 44, 1k frequency
but I really like the video quality. What exactly did you use? (even tho the oldschool 4:3 ratio rules! its a retrogame after all )
