Prof. Raphael Levine's 80th Birthday Symposium |12/14 Prof. Naftali Tishby
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The Israel Academy of Sciences and
Humanities cordially invites you
to a symposium honoring
Prof. Raphael Levin
on his 80th Birthday
Opening | Prof. Itamar Willner
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem-
Chair, Natural Sciences Division, The Israel
Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Prof. Jörn Manz
Free University of Berlin
Prof. Itamar Procaccia
Weizmann Institute of Science
Dr. Danny Steinitz
Center for Educational Technology (CET)
Prof. Tamar Raz
Azrieli College of Engineering Jerusalem
Prof. Noam Agmon
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Israel Schechter
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Prof. Sabre Kais
Purdue University
Dr. Nataly Kravchenko-Balasha
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Uzi Even
Tel Aviv University
Dr. Miky Tamir
Chairman of Track160 and Tetavi
Prof. Avinoam Ben Shaul
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Naftali Tishby
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Francoise Remacle
University of Liège
Closing remarks
Monday, June 18, 2018 at 14:00
Humanities cordially invites you
to a symposium honoring
Prof. Raphael Levin
on his 80th Birthday
Opening | Prof. Itamar Willner
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem-
Chair, Natural Sciences Division, The Israel
Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Prof. Jörn Manz
Free University of Berlin
Prof. Itamar Procaccia
Weizmann Institute of Science
Dr. Danny Steinitz
Center for Educational Technology (CET)
Prof. Tamar Raz
Azrieli College of Engineering Jerusalem
Prof. Noam Agmon
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Israel Schechter
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Prof. Sabre Kais
Purdue University
Dr. Nataly Kravchenko-Balasha
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Uzi Even
Tel Aviv University
Dr. Miky Tamir
Chairman of Track160 and Tetavi
Prof. Avinoam Ben Shaul
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Naftali Tishby
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Francoise Remacle
University of Liège
Closing remarks
Monday, June 18, 2018 at 14:00