Ross Scott's campaign on ownership of games: my high respect for the man & RUDE, UNSOLICITED ADVICE!

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Dude, your impostor syndrome is next level. You are way more intelligent than you give yourself credit for.


Thanks for all the kind words! The more exposure the ECI gets the better, even if you're not eligible (like me!), we all get the benefits if it passes, so the more EU citizens that hear about this, the better our odds.

As for the money thing, it's more that I don't see an obvious application where it changes the dynamic much internationally (except for Australia, which I did spend money on). I could raise $100k and it probably wouldn't change the plan much at all. So I don't want to take people's money just to waste it, I need to actually believe it gets us somewhere, at the moment, I don't see that significantly compared to systems that are already in place, but we'll see what emerges. You're operating in the USA, where you can't do ANYTHING without money to influence law, this is playing under different rules.


I legitimately bought many games on my PS5 (plus paid $500 for the console). Signed up for free trial of their online gaming, never used it once. Tried cancelling, every time the website would say error, try again later. So Id keep trying and it never worked (I screenshotted all of this). Finally after months of being charged for something i didnt want and never used, i filed a chargeback with my bank and told them to stop any payments to Playstation. Next thing i know i get an email from Sony saying my account has been banned for filing a chargeback, and i lose access to all the games i spent hundreds of dollars to buy. I tried filing chargebacks for the games after that since they literally STOLE the games from me... bank sided with Sony so i lost all the money i spent. Never used the PS5 again after that. F these companies.


In the words of the ultimate Angry Video Game Nerd:

"What's the most important part of a game? Being able to fucking play it"


piracy is currently the only way to OWN a game. nobody can take the pirated game away from you. it will remain that way, until somebody, like the FTC or the EU steps up and implements actual consumer protections against corporate theft


As a gamer I appreciate you talking about this! Insane they want $70 or more and then if the game doesn’t do well or they don’t feel like they’ve made enough money they can just shut it down. My n64 still works and plays games I bought 20 years ago.


Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem.

-Gabe Newell


People like you and Ross are genuinely making a difference in preventing the very concept of legal ownership from disappearing in the USA. If it weren't for people like you fellas fighting the good fight the corporations would've gladly worked hand-in-glove with our corrupt government to silently revoke our rights one-by-one. It starts with consumer products, who knows where it'll go from there? Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.


1:21 That is a very true statement, Louis Rossmann. All around the world, across different languages, the words "buy" and "rent" are separate.

In my native language (Bahasa Melayu) for instance, the word "buy/purchase" is "beli", while the word "rent" is "sewa". When these technology and videogame companies redefine words to suit their demented desires, it affects not just people in the west, it affects us too.

We're getting railed over just the same here in the Southeast as you guys do across the pond, because they (somehow) apply legal loopholes in their country of origin across the board; i.e everywhere.


Been watching Ross since he was an exploited hire under Machinama back when that still existed, it's crazy seeing how much he's grown and I hope whatever the results of this is is that he keeps on working towards what he believes in. He's always been a good guy with his head on straight, we need people like him


I can't remember who said it, now, but the most poignant comment I ever heard about the issue was, "It's not an issue of ensuring that you still own the things you buy, the real issue is that with all the corporate license agreements, things own you."


"The right man in the right place" isn't the one who's most skillful or prepared for everything, it's the one who showed up.
Don't wait for someone else to do it, don't try to be idealistically perfect, do your best and show up.
There'll always be someone who's better than you, but they're occupied.


Redefining words has always been a staple of the games industry, honestly. Who could forget when they tried to rebrand "lootboxes" as "surprise mechanics, " and in court no less?
Or how they rebranded "always-online DRM" which was universally hated by everyone, to "live service" which is LITERALLY the same thing, but now it's okay and even defended by players because they changed the language?


the scummiest practice so far is game publishers selling you a *launcher*, which then connects to the "optional" free online service, forcing you to sign a shitty ToS _after_ taking your money, all to avoid pesky legal disclaimers, sounds familiar?
making these practices illegal would probably affect "smart" fridges, cars and TVs.


My best friend and I loved to play The Crew, just drive around and chat. I miss my best friend… I miss The Crew. I miss the times we had.

I’m probably one of the few people who bought The Crew at launch and loved it. I never even bought the sequel. We’re supposed to band together and stick it to the companies like Ubisoft instead of attacking people like me, saying “You bought an Ubisoft game, you bought a live service game” etc. That is missing the fundamental part of the issue.


Companies aren't happy just making *huge* profits; they want to make all the money in the entire universe. Games, movies, TV, even your car--live services and subscriptions. Gone are the days where a company would just put out a quality product, bug free, and then move on to developing the next quality product. Gone are the days of early Blizzard and Bioware, when they were respected and well loved companies. No. Now everything is piece meal. You rent 80% of your game, it's riddled with bugs--everyone is a glorified beta tester now--and if you want the remaining 20% you have to fork over additional cash for DLC, sign up for a subscription, or pay for a battle pass which not only costs you money, but indentures you into playing the game for a minimum amount of hours if you want to actually access the garbage you paid for. Screw everyone with a family, job, social life, other hobbies, or just *other games* they wanna play. God forbid I have control over how I spend *my* free time.

I feel bad for kids growing up in this era of video games. This is normal for them. I don't think a lot of them understand it wasn't always like this, and it doesn't have to be. Video game companies have always been shady--I'm old enough to remember the online passes--but these days they've truly reached the next level of greed and shadiness.


Seeing you two intersect is the best thing I have seen on my feed in years! Regardless of the rest of the video, which I will watch, thank you!


Just like companies try to redefine the word free. Content in services like Xbox Game Pass, Playstation Plus, and Nintendo Switch Online are not free.

They are included in a subscription service you are paying for.


You're telling me people don't do the absolute bare minimum of adblocking? It's so easy. I immediately get reminded to do it again any time I use a fresh install because I am bombarded with garbage in seconds from places I didn't even know had that garbage after using UBO for so long.


Louis the fact that you lose so much is part of what makes you a hero in the eyes of many.

A lot of us don't have the sheer gall to go out and lose like that, but every successful self-made person will tell you that they can't remember the number of times they failed before they succeeded.

We NEED people who are willing to lose. For their cause. For their hope. For the cause of those of us who don't have that grit. It's your ability to lose and push forward anyway at another angle that makes you heroic.

We cherish the loser that you are, because a lot of us are too afraid to do that ourselves.

You are our Champion Loser.
