Love hearing the MuscleMemory motif from the original fangame in this! And all the other rmotifs!!
Is it just me who only now noticed that Mogolovonio (Underpants) plays from 0:32 - 0:45
Thanks for fixing the issue I had with the character selection screen, I can now play the game as other characters
Also, nice theme evil doer.
[* you down there!]
*3 seconds later*
[* you up there!]
if you listen closely you can hear the words idiot at the door witch come from the april fools sans song.. the uh goofy sans..
i like the drums, can't wait to see this in game! 🔥🔥
I don't understand why no one's playing UFS dude, it's so freaking awesome, but it isn't as popular as it should be.
it will be cool if this theme will play for Ruthless Route Upgrade (And paci theme will stay the same as it now)
Honestly, I wish that TS looked like the art on the cover, it looks really nice
am i the only one who noticed... BAD TOM BAD TOM BAD TOM BAD TOM (sanness) at 0:31? lol
Ngl better then ulc's crossbones theme, not saying ulc crossbones theme is bad i just prefer this one in my opinion 😊
Bro can you add a button that changes your theme to criminal catcher on crossbones? I just like that theme more
Let's celebrate UFS funeral event
I am not playing UFS till my boi crossbones gets reworked
Am I the only one who hears the underpants April fools sound at that one part
Is it just for me that the Lobby is dark and the round doesn't start unless it's Duo Mode?
The main complaint on why people aren’t playing is the use of real money, the fact that lots of skins could’ve been their own characters, and that you need to gamble ALOT, people think you guys are too greedy for money. Hope you guys fix these issues