Reaction To The Engineering Marvel Built to Defend Against Americans - The Rideau Canal History

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Reaction To The Engineering Marvel Built to Defend Against Americans - The Rideau Canal History

This is my reaction to The Engineering Marvel Built to Defend Against Americans - The Rideau Canal History

In this video I react to Canadian history by reacting to the history of the Rideau Canal, the 202 kilometre long canal that links the Ottawa River at Ottawa with the Cataraqui River and Lake Ontario at Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

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Ottawa native and historian here. A fun fact about the canal: when By was surveying the area between Dow's Lake and the Ottawa River, he was discussing the planned route in a pub in what is now Lowertown. Another Canadian official, the Duke of Marlborough, overheard the discussion and the plans to appropriate land from Dow's Lake to the river. Marlborough quickly moved to buy ALL the land between the lake and the river. The Duke then tried to extort By into paying him far more than the land was worth in order to profit from the building of the canal. By was so incensed by this he vowed to never pay Marlborough and instead wound the canal down its current path where it meets the river near the Parliament buildings (unbuilt at the time). So instead of a straight canal running downhill (down what is now Preston Street through LaBreton Flats) the canal was diverted by kilometers to prevent Marlborough's slimey real estate speculation. It goes to show the more Ottawa real estate/development problems change, the more they stay the same.


Ottawa exists because of the canal, and it provides so many great features as it makes it's way through the city. The locks, Dow's Lake, Hog's Back falls, winter skating, the beautiful paths and parks on either side. It provided a beautiful setting that so many things built in the following years needed to strive not to look out of place. Parliament buildings, Chateau Laurier, Train Station, the new conference centre, the National Arts Centre, Lansdowne Park, Major's Hill Park, etc. It's the gift that keeps on giving.


Buddy, I think it's time for you to come and visit!


I think most Canadians know the Rideau Canal as Canada's longest outdoor skating rink in the winter.


The Rideau canal in Ottawa is noted for it being the world’s longest skating rink. A source of enjoyment for both Canadians and tourists. Some Ottawa residents use it to skate to work.


Anybody who has grown up in Ottawa knows the Canal. From the pathways for walking and cycling to the many parks along it. In my early days it was THE place to go skating in the winter, not so much anymore as the season is so short with the changing weather patterns, but people do still come from around the world just to skate on it. Boating down the Canala is a real adventure and arriving in Kingston you've seen some beautiful scenery, towns and a lot of good natured people.
If you ever get to come to Canada, I'd highly suggest talking a walk along it.


55 years ago I worked on a hydrographic survey crew that re surveyed the area for new charts and we got to know every bar and tavern along the route. The orriginal surveys were surprisingly accurate and the quality of construction amazing. This was the first canal designed for steamers and the locks wer 30' wide instead of the orriginally specified 20' to account for side paddle wheels.
Labouers were Scottish stone masons, Irish labourers, and French Canadians who were skilled in working the large timbers needed for lock gates. Many of their decendans still inhabit the area.
If you wish to trvel the waterway there are outfitters who can rent you anything from kayacks down to housboats.


Most Ontario resistants would know of this incredibly beautiful canal. Each lock is very picturesque. Watching the canal people raise and lower the locks is fascinating. To my knowledge there are two other canal systems. The Welland Canal connecting Lake Erie to Lake Ontario used by seafaring vessels. This canal connects all the Great Lakes to the Atlantic via the St. Lawrence River. The Trent Canal system connects Lake Ontario to Georgian Bay (connected to Lake Huron). All beautiful and very interesting! Cheers. 🇨🇦


We also have the Trent-Severn that connects Lake Ontario to Georgian Bay & the upper Great Lakes


So glad you watched this video! The channel, Canadiana, has a ton of amazing videos about Canadian history which I guarantee you will find just as interesting! Really great channel and would love to see you react to more of their content!


Being from western Canada, I knew of the canal and may have seen it on one of my visits to relatives in Ottawa, but other than seeing the winter skating parties on TV now and then, that was the sum total of my knowledge of the canal. I'll be looking up more info.


I grew up on the canal, we lived a block from it in Ottawa.


Many folks living in Ottawa today skate to work on the canal. It’s so wonderful!


It takes about 5 days by boat from Kingston to Ottawa


The Duke of Richmond stayed in the first non-log house built in Perth, Ontario. He had told the owners it would look nice painted red, so they painted it red for a year or so, then went back to white again. It remained white until it was demolished just a year ago, but it was officially known as The Red House.


When I attended the University of Ottawa, I would skate from my apartment to the Uni on the Rideau Canal during the winter. It would shorten my trek to class by 30 minutes but I had to drag my skates to classes LOL.
I have friends who are boat owners who travel the length of the Rideau Canal every summer. It's a picturesque journey through some gorgeous scenery.


I'm from the province of Québec and i've visited the canal in all season. Went skating on it for several years. I love the Canadiana channel. Always so well done video.


One of my mom's ancestors was in the Royal Engineers who supervised the construction. When the canal was finished, he was appointed as the lockmaster of one of the locks.


I grew up and still live just down the road from the Charles Lennox (Duke of Richmond) Memorial. We were told of his story as kids. In fact Richmond’s mascot is a fox because of this story.

Friends of mine used to rent kayaks every year in Kingston and ride up the canal to Ottawa and arrive in time for Canada Day. It would take them a week camping along the way.


This is where I grew up… And this is where I still live. I love this city!
