Salvation In The Sanctuary - Moses Mason

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Thy way O GOD, is in the sanctuary... Ps. 77:13.
This Elder, mighty man of GOD is resting. He has raised an army through GOD to finish this work !
I am one of the soilders.


Don’t feel compelled brother Kolvisto ! But feel sorry for your good self that you lack the wisdom and knowledge of pastor Moses Mason who his personal relationship with Jesus is more personal and intimate of his deepest understandining of the deep thing’s of God . Bob Kolvisto ! Your understanding of the word of God is very shallow and very cheap indeed, because you don’t know God at all and don’t have the spirit of God to understand the deep things of God . Please ! Bob Kalvisto, come and study the word of God in the Seventh day Adventist church so you may save your life and your family’s and your neighbour’s life’s .


Pastor Moses Mason he is sleeping in the Lord.😢😅😅😢


Our Position In Christ, The Moment We Believe

Blessed with every spiritual blessing, Regenerated, J
ustified, Sanctified, Adopted, Called, Glorified, Adopted into God’s family, Sonship, Forgiven, Heirs of God, Eternal life, Accepted in the Beloved, Loved of God, Washed of Sin, Sins forgotten forever, Spirit Baptized, In Christ, Sealed by the Spirit, New Creation, Son of God, Freed from the law of sin and death, Heirs of God, Joint heirs of Jesus Christ, Seated with Christ in heavenly places, Access to God, Perfect forever, Never to perish, Inheritance reserved in Heaven, Redeemed, Reconciled to God, Declared righteous, Justified before God, Never to come into judgment, Dead to sin, Freed from the law, Alive unto God, Temple of the Holy Spirit, God’s workmanship, Under the Blood, Redeemed, Saved by Grace, Sins atoned for, No condemnation, Crucified with Christ, Chosen in Christ, Regenerated by the Spirit, Born from above, Abraham’s seed, Heavenly citizenship, No longer an alien from God, No longer a stranger from the promises, Never to face death, Never ever perish, Priest of God, Kept by God, Blameless, Faultless in God’s sight, unfading inheritance, Saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.

Ellen G. White teaches over one thousand times in her writings that all believers are on PROBATION. She says all believers are “undergoing the searching scrutiny of God’s investigative judgment… determine if they are worthy of eternal life.”
Ellen G. White teaches that “our acts, our words, even our most secret motives, all have their weight in deciding our destiny for weal or woe. Though they may be forgotten by us, they will bear their testimony to justify or condem.” EGW Spirit of Prophey pg. 331
Whose word can be trusted? Is it God’s “sure word of Prophecy”, or the unsure word of the false prophet, Ellen G. White?


Dear Pastor,

I am feeling compelled to write to you because of my deep desire that all men may know the assurance of sweet forgiveness and the confidence that all who trust in Jesus as Lord may have the full knowledge in an eternal and unbreakable relationship with God. I believe that the Lord Jesus has finished his work for my salvation at the cross and that the Father is satisfied by the shed blood of Jesus. I believe that there is no work unfinished to accomplish my full salvation. When studying the teachings of the Adventist Church, I am genuinely troubled by what seems a differing point of view on the finished work of Christ. Please help me out in this matter.

I see that you have some theological education, so I am sure it is a safe assumption that you also have taken some New Testament Greek. Since that is the case, may I encourage you to re-examine this passage in John 17:4 (I glorified you on earth by completing the work you gave me to do). ἐγώ σε ἐδόξασα ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς τὸ ἔργον τελειώσας ὃ δέδωκάς μοι ἵνα ποιήσω•Jn17:4

Perhaps you somehow overlooked the point Jesus was making the last time you read the passage. Where did Jesus complete his work which the Father gave him to do? Exactly right. He finished it on earth. In fact the same root word used in this passage for "finished" is uttered on the cross. "It is finished, paid in full, completely done."

The aorist participle here In John 17 is obviously adverbial and speaks to the fact that his work can be viewed historically and in a sense is timeless and complete. It stands accomplished. When Jesus uttered his final words in John 19:30, as you know, he said “it is finished”. (τετέλεσται) Interestingly enough when John wrote his Gospel in Greek, he used the perfect tense meaning that the act was complete and had results which continued on into the future.

How can Jesus then, in the Heavenly Sanctuary cause his followers to "endure the searching scrutiny of his investigative determine if they are worthy of eternal life?", if indeed the finished work of redemption was completed at the cross on earth? And why would the Lord Jesus contradict the central promise of the Father to all believers in the New Covenant that "your sins and iniquities I will remember no more?" Why is the Lord Jesus, according to the Sanctuary Doctrine, remembering and evaluating the life of all believers, living and dead? Why is the judgment and divine evaluation of the life of the believer with his worthyness and unworthyness with his sins of commission and omission and thought life and failures, and unremembered and un-confessed sin, and failure to keep the commandments, still taking place in the Heavenly Sanctuary? Did Jesus actually finish his work of redemption on earth and is God’s promise under the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31, Hebrews 8 and 10) that “your sins and iniquities I will remember no more” actually true? Why then would Jesus be trying to remember what the Father ’s New Covenant said He has promised to forget? Did we hear Jesus say at the last supper, “This cup is the New Covenant in my blood?”

I beg you, on behalf of the genuine Lord Jesus Christ, who has finished the work of redemption, and who has cast our sins “into the depths of the sea” and has separated us from them “as far as the east is from the west “, to bow down before him in whom is life, forgiveness and peace eternally.

You servant in the Gospel, Bob Koivisto
