Why You Should Learn Chinese - AvenueX's 3 Reasons

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I've been wanting to make this video for a while, so here it is, my 3 most important reasons as of why if you don't know the Chinese language, it is a really worthwhile investment in this day and age to start learning it.

Skip to These places
00:55 - 1st. The General Reason
04:06 - 2nd. The Practical Reason
11:28 - 3rd. The Personal/Linguistic Reason
18:55 - Your suggestions welcomed

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Trust me guys. Watching chinese drama without needing to wait for English subtitles is the best thing you could ever feel. Me here have learnt chinese for almost 2 yrs and feel so proud to understand 70% part of chinese drama without eng sub already 😳👌❤️ 真爽


I‘m 55 and starting out to learn Chinese. It will be a hobby for the next 20 years and maybe also create economic opportunities (as I have worked in internet technologies my whole life and won’t stop doing - some - work until at least 75 - if I will live so long 😊) My mother tongue is a form of German and I am fluent in English which is very similar, so Chinese is really a challenge I welcome.
BTW: My first degree was in English Literature, too. And I‘m also a poetry buff having studied lyric/songwriting as well (the only form of poetry where in western countries we are still allowed to rhyme) ❤


I just now ran across this video or yours that you made 4 years ago. I love the third reason you give. I will be 81 years old this month, and I have spent years studying English grammar.
I started studying Chinese about 4 or 5 years ago. I was watching Ice Fantasy on Netflix, and I fell in love with Chinese drama. I wanted to be able to understand what they were really saying.
I haven't progressed very far, but I am totally fascinated by the Chinese grammar, the characters, and by the way the two-syllable words combine concepts or sounds. I watched a lot of videos on YouTube, and now I use the Yellowbridge app. I wish I had seen your Chinese language videos when I was a new beginner. They are really excellent.


I came across Chinese drama series during lockdown, became fascinated with the sound of the language and am slowly learning it. As you said in the video it does open out ones world view; the culture and language go hand in hand. (I’m 67 )


Being able to read Jin Yong's books in their original form is probably reason enough to learn mandarin


If you're going to make a video to teach chinese.... how about teaching us a popular chinese poem or a song... The background of that particular poem. The correct pronunciations and how different tone can mean different thing, along with the characters in this poem. That would be so cool.


im a Chinese language student. its long overdue but i am SO pleased i finally started and thoroughly enjoying myself. Watching C-dramas has helped to show how much i've learnt and enhanced my vocabulary


I’m in my early seventies and have been studying Mandarin for over two years now. It’s a lovely language, I’m thoroughly enjoying the literature and historical records. The music is amazing!


I used to speak Cantonese, after watching Chinese movies and dramas I realized both dialects sound very much alike which prompted me to start learning Mandarin by myself. It is difficult but it is also lots of fun when watching dramas!


I'm commenting on this several years later, but this is so true. I grew up learning mandarin, and stopped practicing when I stopped needing to take exams. coming back to it now reading novels & watching dramas, & watching news from china. I realise how much richer of an experience I get out of the media I consume when I consume it in Chinese than when I simply rely on subtitles and translations! I'm having to relearn my vocabulary from the ground up and it kind of makes me regret not keeping up with my mandarin 😅


I am a new subscriber and stumble upon this video 4 years ago. I am currently studying Mandarin. I first started way back 2015 but because of the high demand at work, I wasn't able to continue, I just recently had time because of covid, so I have picked up the pace, I enrolled for class and buy books and comic books. I am a bilingual of Japanese and English, although Japanese is difficult, I think Mandarin is more profound especially because of poetry and chengyu. I am buying novels (priest and mo xiang tong xu's works hahaha). Japanese isn't my first language either but I think it took me 5 years to master the foundation so I am proud to say I am fluent in that language, so today my target is to be fluent in Mandarin. Wish me luck that I'll be able to master this in 5 years.


your third reason here really touch me on a personal level. Thank you for being able to articulate thoughts that i feel but never can speak out and describe to a fraction of what you did.


The reason I am learning Mandarin because I planned to visits lots of museums in China, but the sound of Cantonese is close to my heart because I've grew up with it; traditional Chinese writing with brush and ink is a form of practicing one's patience and gentleness, my 2 cents. Thank you for another informative clip, as always.


I have just started trying to learn Mandarin and really appreciate your videos. It was my current obsession with Cdramas that sparked an interest in learning the language.


I like cdramas. And I am 59 years old. I agree absolutely that speaking a foreign language has a lot of positif aspects. The possibility to communicate with other people, open so much ways, understanding, learning, other visions and and. I speak 4 languages ( not perfect, but enough) and I have the wish to learn more languages. I think chinese language will become more important in the next centuries.


This spoke to me on a personal level. I'm Indian btw. I've been thinking of learning this beautiful language. Thanks to this video I'm going to go ahead and do it finally <3


(Point 2) This is still very true from 2017 when this video was made to now 2022, its even more true today!


Thanks to Ten miles of peach blossoms and the King's woman.... I have already begun learning. It is fascinating and I really enjoy it. I do find it hard to learn on my own because I don't know where I should start. I speak two other languages and I tried to structure it in those same ways but it's not really working out. I found a website that helps with Chinese but I would like to know how I can practice the characters and remember them. That's the hardest part for me.


I myself have been trying to learn back Chinese seeing as I didn't go past first grade in china. I practice memorization by reading the subtitles in dramas and practice content by translating Chinese songs and I often find myself melancholy that I can't convey the utter beauty of the lyrics.


This is really a well thought out video.Although it is difficult at times to concentrate on what you are saying, as opposed to how you look, I have watched this several times and am more impressed with each viewing.I can not find fault with any of your arguments nor could I improve on them.As a former economics professor, I would give you an A+ for your section on economics.But what I liked most was your discussion on poetry.It is so true that Chinese poems lose so much when translated.It should be a capital crime to even translate them! I would have been a very proud professor if one of my students had written, not to mention your excellent delivery, such a fine essay!
