MESSE 2018 Zoom L12 Livetrack Mixer

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We also had a look at the Zoom L12 LiveTrak mixer recorder which is a 12 input digital mixer with recall, 5 auxiliary sends, with EQ  (compression on ch 1-8) and SD card recording of all inputs. As a standalone band or ensemble recording system of up to 14 discrete channels. it works standalone as well as as a USB audio IO for your DAW.  Price around £520 UK.

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I've bought these and use it for my band. This Zoom L12 works amazing and records our live gig pretty clear no problems at all. Highly recommended this


i've been using one of these for a few months to record music at home, as well as a podcast. I have to say it has been really useful. I only have a couple complaints:
1. Cannot be used as a control surface in a DAW like the R16. If this is added in a firmware update, that would be simply amazing. It does pretty much everything else I would want out of an interface/preamp/headphone amp combo
2. I do wish it had a dedicated FX send/return bus for outboard gear, but you can easily use the L/R out of headphone A and then create a mix just for the outboard gear and return to one of the stereo input channels.
3. I would have liked to be able to use the 96K mode with full functionality. In the future I have a feeling that new revisions will add this functionality as processing power becomes more cheaply available for this many channels.
4. Currently the driver is a bit lacking in integrating to communication programs. It does not give you an option to send a stereo MASTER over USB to programs like Skype; Instead it sends a multi track mix. This will confuse many programs looking for only 2 channels. Consequently if you try to do this, you will only hear channels 1 & 2. A solution is to use OBS for any live streaming, or use the 3.5 mm mic in on a computer and create your mix on the headphone out to that input. A small complain in the wider picture, but presents some limits for mix/minus abilities for projects like podcasts.
5. It is hard plastic. I very much recommend a hard case if you are going to be travelling with this.

Even with these 5 suggestions/quibbles, I think this mixer sounds great and has a great amount of functionality. If zoom adds any features or updates the firmware in an impactful way, this thing could be all I really need.


I've searched a long time for an unit like that especially with that features and the price. I bought it at the end of december 17 for around 600 Euro.
My main usage is DAW recording with Korg Volcas, TT 303 and so on. It offers alot of channels via USB which can
be recorded seperatly. That was my reason to buy that thing. And it also offers recording on a SD card without a PC so
you can jam around without anything else.
Look for the prices and the features from other companies... they don't really deliver something like that with that features and at this price level.
I am not a fanboy of Zoom but it's my best bought i've ever made


This isn't a new release, is it? A Google search shows it's already on sale everywhere. $599 is the street price for those who were wondering.


I've been considering buying this for some time now. The problem for me is you can't edit like the R-series mixers. I love the fact that you can record to SD while also recording through USB. If they added a larger screen with the editing ability of the R-series mixers, I'd be SOLD, even if it was $100 more.


There are a lot of people making electronic music looking for mixers like this. But 4 outputs is just not enough. No external FX possible.


Yes, this fixes everything that was missing from the R16. Its on the wish list now!


this is a amazing mixer at a good price! Greetz👍✌️


I bought one a month ago. I sequence my synths and record them dry into my DAW with this, then use plugins / fx. Pretty light and portable so I can take my rig to the stage easily. The sound quality is perfect to my ears


I was very excited to buy this til I noticed there was no AUX out/return for external effects, it should have at least one, and a stereo in (tape/CD in). Also, given that the EQ is digital, why limit the cutoff to 100Hz? Make 3 sweepable bands which the user can define, one going as low as 45Hz. Gonna wait for a new version.


Does anybody know how you can connect 2-3 synths (with USB) to it and a DAW ?


For concerts I would prefer L20, 16 microphone ins, 2 FX, adjustable low cut frequency


I have one of these... would be nice if headphones could be adjusted using mobile phone.


Thanks for your video but cameraman is bad


I wish you could assign digital compression to the channels along with the EQ. Nothing really special was mentioned.


Why is there no chorus effect? I'd rather have that than delay on vocals


why is this guy excited about this... nothing here is new.. whats the price? for how cheap that is built comprared to other stuff it better not be more than 500 bucks... it doesnt even have motarized faders...
