English Tip: Here you are / you go / it is #englishlanguage #learnenglish #englishtips

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🤓👇"Here you are," VS. "Here you go" VS. "Here it is".
Read this⤵️
You can use all three of these phrases... :⤵️
💬Here you are.
💬Here you go.
💬Here it is.
... When you give something to someone.(Not necessarily a gift🎁, it can be an apple core too.😏😳)

➡️ You can also use "Here you are🫂", when you find a person or the person arrives (at a meeting or party🪩, for example).

➡️ And you can use "Here it is" when you find a thing you were looking for.

Hope that was helpful. 🙂
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Never before did anyone explain this so explicitly.


Thanks you, I am from Argentina and I learning english


Here you go: Give something to someone
Here you are: Found someone
Here it is: found something


Hola soy de Mexico., ya te sigo en IG., me gustaría pedir tu asesoría para que me digas desde donde comienzo., casi desde cero., estaba en un curso en linea para principiantes., estuve mes y medio pero mis horarios son muy dispersos., y ya no pude seguir., estudiaba de 8 a 9 pm hora de mexico., saludos., se ve que eres buena en tus lecciones., espero tu recomendación., RONÍA.,


Yes, but I would not recommend using here you are as a way to say you found someone. Most native english speakers tend to use I found you, " or "there you are."
