I BET You Have NEVER Considered This - But It Can Make The Swing So EASY

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Hey there, Guys! Today, I've got something pretty cool to share with you. We're going to talk about a small yet critical aspect of your golf game – the speed and rhythm of your swing. I'll use a simple piece of paper to help you understand why a slow and steady swing might be holding you back, and we'll explore why aiming for an effortless swing is the way to go.

Golf is all about finesse and precision, right? It's not just about how hard you can hit the ball; it's about how efficiently you can do it. So, let's chat about why slowing down and smoothing out your swing might just be the game-changer you've been looking for.

In this video, I'll break it down for you and explain why embracing a smoother, more rhythmic swing can improve your game. I won't just talk about it; I'll show you how to do it. I've got three awesome drills that you can start using right away to work on that smooth, effortless swing we all need.


GOLFBUDDY (Use code GBRYAN for 10% discount)



✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.

🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.

#golftips #golfswing #golflesson

00:00 Introduction
00:25 Paper Demo
01:02 Transferring This To Golf
01:35 Exercise 1
03:17 Exercise 2
04:33 Exercise 3
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Haha and then this one. I'm set now. Thanks for being my golf coach sir!


Another Brilliant way to "feel" the swing. Thank you!


Well done! Clear, and concise. Thanks.


Thank you.
Reminds me when I was young and didn’t think about my swing. 😅 Great idea.


Thank you Chris and I guess it’s another reference to the magic word “tempo”… helped of course if you could get a crowd behind you of about 2, 000 people shouting every time you take a swing 😂 Awesome Euro team performance! 🎉


Chris, I love your tips and I wonder if you have any suggestions to help me. I am pretty good on the range but hopeless on the course. I know everyone suffers from this to some extent but I’m an extreme case (and that’s not just false modesty). Obviously if you had the solution to this you’d be a multi-millionaire so I’m not expecting a total fix - but do you have any tips? I think I suffer from two things: an adrenaline rush makes me swing much faster, and then i tense up and grip the club too hard. The combination of the two things is a disaster on the course. Any tips would be very welcome 🙏


400k! What a performance! New target - half a million!!!


17th at Arden, very nearly put my shot in the water there 😳🤣


What killed distance before - Leadbetter & Faldo,
