Exposing D.S.T Initiation Ritual‼️

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Hi everyone, here is part 3 of my "Greek Life Is Demonic” series. This video is exposing the demonic rituals for Delta Sigma Theta. Once again I must thank Dorothy Denise for being obedient to The Holy Spirit and breaking down the Rituals for all of the D9 orgs! I pray that whomever is meant to see this will see it and that you will view it with an open heart and mind.

Dorothy Denise DST video:

Link to Initiation Ritual:

Denouncing Videos:

#choosejesus #jesusislord #greeklife #sorority #fraternity #divinenine #divine9 #alphaphialpha #alphakappaalpha #kappaalphapsi #omegapsiphi #deltasigmatheta #phibetasigma #zetaphibeta #sigmagammarho #iotaphitheta #j13
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Never understood the point of a sorority or fraternity paying over 2k to join a damn group 😐😐😐


This is an extremely powerful series. None of the Deltas who saw this can say that they didn’t know. This is their opportunity to do their own research and pray and ask God for understanding. God bless you.


So many angry sorors in here lol. I don’t have an opinion either way bc I know many sorors that put God first, are committed to giving back to the community, sisterhood and networking. But on the other hand I’ve witnessed many sorors so obsessed with being in a sorority it’s become their entire world and a focal point of their identity and this type of idolatry can’t be healthy.


Dang most videos like this have gotten way more positive feedback. There’s a lot of backlash in these commons so I’m just dropping in to say thanks for your boldness and obedience sis! God has used other videos and a dream to give me clarity not to cross, and used this video to reinforce the instruction. God is using this!


So much courage, go ahead young lady I’m proud of you !!!!


Hearing all of this made my heart drop. Before I watched this video, I renounced and denounced all ties to DST. God has been tugging at my heart. I pulled out the ritual book and I feel sick. Thank you God for your mercy and forgiveness!!


This was very interesting, I've always wondered about the Delta rituals. Thank you for the making of this video young lady. I pray your video reaches others and they are enlightened as you are!

Listening to this and others denounce/renounce videos makes me really thankful to the Father that I didn't ever get caught up in one the Greek organizations! I was in pursuit of Christ after high school, and thankfully lived at home while attending college, and wasn't pressured into joining a sorority.

Please continue spreading the Word and the truth! God bless and keep you!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Girl, you were on another video talking about AKA and now you are talking about Delta. You do not know what happens in these organizations because you don’t belong to these organizations. Now you are trying to interpret what happens in these organizations. I belong to a sorority and when we open up our meetings we pray to God and no other. We close the meetings by praying to God. We serve our communities by feeding the hungry, helping the homeless etc… You are spreading lies and casting judgement.


My question is.. who founded the ritual portion, was it the founders or someone later.. if it wasn't the founder, then the organization wasn't founded on these customs, it evolved into this.. I'm not a Delta, but I do know they service the community in a positive light.. lets not forget that this organization was founded by college students (18, 19, 20 year olds) maybe even younger.. they aren't perfect. if these are truly the rituals, how do we know if they had ill intent being so young... they didn't have access to the internet like we do.. how versed in the Bible were you at 18 or 19, with no internet.. How about all of the adults in the organization, who know better, change the alleged rituals if this is indeed true (remember this is all assumption).. Why don't we try that method first because I can assure you, no one joins a frat or sorority to go against God..


Whoa! This sister is extremely courageous and boldness is exercised in speaking truth to these pagan deities and rituals and Satanic Alliances, there's nothing HOLY about joining these Greek centered and founded organizations as the Apostle Paul told the Church at Colossians 2:8, " Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ ". Secondly, 2nd Maccabees 4:15, They ignored their ancestral honors and sought after Greek status symbols instead. Finally, " NO MAN OR WOMAN CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS EITHER HE WILL LOVE THE ONE AND DESPISE THE OTHER!!! MINERVA, god of Wisdom isn't the wisdom that we seek after in the word of God. Lastly, Thou SHALT have no other gods before Me, these women need to research their Greece History during the Hellenistic period and you will discover a few things that the Greeks hated Black people and killed them by the thousands folks!!!!Black women cannot LIBERATE themselves out of Greece, it's impossible!!!


It’s not of God. If anyone stated these words/rituals in this organization or any organization… God is not involved.

Stating these words solidify a serious covenant concerning your own soul and… it’s not worth it. The Greeks gods are clearly symbolized each organization and the Bible does not support it.


Your views are true sis, but please stop telling people that they are bound to this sorority and people until judgment. People are NOT bound if they have denounced the sorority and asked God's forgiveness, and have repented of the sins they chose to embrace. God is a merciful God..


whew I dodged a bullet so glad I could not afford to join back then. I had friends in sorority. She was a fair weather friend because I wasn't in it, treated me differently when she got in front of her soros. I felt bad about and thought about joining in graduate school so glad I did not!!


An association or reference to something does not mean worship of it.


Thank you for your transparency. We pray that many more young people will turn from this form of Idolatry. GOD is very concerned.


I started looking up the lines of the presidents and a lot of the scripts are poems that sound Christian-ish but the authors are atheist or question God’s word. One is the president of a Unitarian church. Look up what they believe…it’s definitely not my God. Once God opens your eyes, you SEE IT ALL!!


People make mistakes with their tongues is sure enough the truth. That ole serpent is sure is slippery & slick. Thx for your sacrifice...sister in Christ.


Is it okay if I use your video in mine? I'm going to do my testimony but I definitely need this information to back it up🙏🏾


People if you don’t think this is blasphemy then may the Lord be with you . To take the scripture and use it for this And take out Lord . 😂😂😂 Yahweh help us all and to put delta 😳😳😳😳😳🤣


I support your decision to "share" your content, but I believe that your verbatim exposure to this ritual is very disturbing and disrespectful. You can share your stance and your rationale without violating DSTs or any other organizations rituals. We eat bread and say it's the body of christ. We drink wine and say it's GODs blood. What does that sound like? Holy water? blessing herbs? Sacramental magic.
