studied math now since summer 20', The only youtuber who can seem to help on really spesific questions is this guy! And I dig him for it:D
Is it necessary to assume that f is analytic? If f is complex differentiable but not necessarily analytic the Cauchy Riemann equations still hold and we can apply the same argument. If I understand correctly, the only time where a function is complex differentiable but not analytic is if the derivative is discontinuous.
How do you show that for any functions f, f2 defined on a reigon D with both holomorphic over D. if f1, and f2 are not both constants then |f(z)| +|f_2(z)| doesn't have a maximum over D.
Are you proving this statement? "every analytic function f : C+ → C+ ∪ R is either a real-valued constant function or a function f : C+ → C+