In a world-first, Mexico to elect its judges | Voice Of The Global South

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Mexico becomes the first country in the world to enact a new law allowing people to elect judges like politicians. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, helped in no small measure by his protege and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, has upended the country’s judicial system. All the nearly 7-thousand posts of judges in Mexico will be filled through a nationwide election – just like the way many countries around the world elect their president, prime minister or lawmakers. But questions remain: Will it politicise the judiciary? What about the independence of the judiciary?

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As an Indian, I say Mexico is a sovereign country and should do what they feel is right for them.


I lived in Georgia 🇺🇸 we elect the judges every 4 years here, and is well know, that they are tough on crime, otherwise their actions will reflect on election time.
I don’t see the problem on people electing the judges.
About Mexico, it’s well known that, judges are being bought by Narcos and white collar criminals.
The office of ethics is part of the Supreme Court, rule by the same actors, and no one gets punished for braking the law, or bending the rules.
This act may be new, but can we honestly say is bad, or that won’t work?
Time will tell, for now the majority of people, are happy to see a window to a better way in justice for all, and not just for the Rich.


Currently, the judiciary system in México is controlled by a group of families. Some families have upwards of 30 members serving as justice and ministers. They have frequently released well-known criminals during the weekends from prison. They keep in prison thousands of poor Mexicans without conviction. Finally, México will have a justice system that will impart justice.


The degree of nepotism is ridiculous. It's common to have judges who have 20 to as much as 40 family members working in the court. It's known as a corrupt family business...


A high authority, pointed as a minor offender, was released by a Judge since the last one could not obtain, from a 4 years old kid, the exact time and day in which she was molested.

A group of rich sexual offenders, called Los Porkis, received no punishment since a judge determined that they did not offend their victim, since the way they touched her was not considered lascivious.

A judge liberated a familiar of Margarita Savala, an Ex-President's wife, who was implicated in the ABC's daycare tragedy, in which decens of toddlers died during a fire.

There are tons of cases like those, in which powerful people buys justice as favorable solutions while the average Mexican suffers incarceration during years, even decades, with not enough evidence or no evidence.

You think that judges are all saints right now and that democracy will suffer? You gotta be living outside Mexico to believe that.


This change in the judicial system of Mexico is something that the majority of the people from Mexico have been waiting for decades. It's a very good thing not just for Mexico, but for the whole world. This is a way to assertain to the the world and to world powers that every country on earth has the right to make their own choices, and to be sovereign as nations. This new approach to governing a country doesn't allow other countries, powers, interest groups, to intrude on decisions that only pertain to Mexico and it's people. This new approach, at the same time provides judicial certainty to investors, businesses, and to regular citizens. The judicial system that is still used today and that will be replaced soon never worked, . The people of Mexico never knew who these judges were, neither where they came from, neither why they were chosen. The sitting head of the judicial system had no experience for the job. Moreover, in an interview with former president Pena Nieto, she answered to Pena Nieto, basically "I will be what you want me to be; I will do what you want me to do; I will say what you want me to say." Furthermore, today's judicial system in Mexico is 70% + family members. No super power, or economic interest group will control the destiny of mexy. The destiny of Mexico now is on the hands of it's people, exclusively.


There is a Judge that got his wife and his lover in the same office 😂😂😂


Mexican here, this is a necessary change, many judges earn more than the president, and they don't want to lose exaggerated salaries and perks


Wise Mexican people! I applaud this democratic decision of the people!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Power to the people. There is no better example. Every saturday judges freed organized crime leaders or politicians for corruption. I am mexican so I know. 36 million mexicans voted for this change ( plan c). Long live the 4t !!!


Viva Mexican president to erradicate corruption from the judges more than 80% of Mexican population voted for this reform and there are another 19 reforms to vote for . God bless our country and it’s president


Mexico codified abortion as woman health care in their constitution, also In this presidency the minimum wage was raised 3 times. There has been a lot of reforms to help the people.
This change in the judiciary was absolutely necessary to better fight crime, impunity, and people with money getting away with crimes.


Great news, some Mexican indigenous had been incarcerated, because they are not able to afford legal many cases they don’t speak Spanish.


If that is not democracy, then I don't know what it is.


HEY! You purposely missed an important piece of info: NO PRIVATE FUNDING IS ALLOWED. FOR JUDGES CAMPAIGNS. Greetings from Mexico.


As a Mexican, I support the New Law Reform of Mexico to clean and renew the Supreme Court. The judges in Mexico are the most corrupted people. AMLO is the best President ever in the history of the new era. # IT IS AN HONOR TO BE WITH OBRADOR ( AMLO)


it's not just about electing them it's also about being able to prosecute them if they becaome corrupt, which wasn't possible before the reform. 😊


Mexican people decided and no other country has to interfere or distort our political process.


in the United States, we the people vote to elect judges, why can't Mexico vote to elect its judges


In India we are amazed by the great progress made by Mexico. We wish them luck with this radical change.
