How to deploy multiple websites on EC2 Instance | Apache web server
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In this tutorial, we'll show you how to efficiently host multiple websites on a single instance, saving you both time and money. Whether you're using a cloud server or a dedicated server, we'll walk you through the process from start to finish.
Here's what you'll learn:
Server Setup: We'll start by setting up your server environment, including choosing the right hosting provider and configuring your server operating system.
Web Server Installation: You'll discover how to install and configure a web server Apache,to handle multiple website requests.
Domain Configuration: Learn how to manage multiple domains and point them to your server's IP address.
Virtual Hosts: We'll explain how to create virtual hosts to separate and manage each website efficiently.
SSL Certificates: Secure your websites with SSL certificates, ensuring data encryption and trustworthiness.
Website Deployment: You'll learn how to deploy your websites and ensure they're accessible to the world.
Linux Commands used in this Tutorial
1. Update Packages Lists:
sudo apt update
2. Install Apache2 web package.
sudo apt install apache2
3. Start apache
sudo systemctl start apache2
4. Enable auto-start on boot
sudo systemctl enable apache2
5. Check apache status
sudo systemctl status apache2
6. Change directory
cd /var/www/
7. Create Directory dev
mkdir dev
cd dev
add welcome to dev text & exit with esc : wq
cd /etc/apache2/sites-availables
leave empty.
10. edit documents path & uncomment # with Vim editor
12. restart apache2
systemctl restart apache2
Get Package downloads link from Free-css
see in comment link
13. Unzip
14. move your file to html directory
mv * /var/www/dev
15. restart apache2
sudo system restart apache2
assign subdomian & add your Elastic Ip to domains
access with elastic in browser , Your website will be display.
refer video to repeat second website setups .
now u can access your website.
Thanks for watching.
Here's what you'll learn:
Server Setup: We'll start by setting up your server environment, including choosing the right hosting provider and configuring your server operating system.
Web Server Installation: You'll discover how to install and configure a web server Apache,to handle multiple website requests.
Domain Configuration: Learn how to manage multiple domains and point them to your server's IP address.
Virtual Hosts: We'll explain how to create virtual hosts to separate and manage each website efficiently.
SSL Certificates: Secure your websites with SSL certificates, ensuring data encryption and trustworthiness.
Website Deployment: You'll learn how to deploy your websites and ensure they're accessible to the world.
Linux Commands used in this Tutorial
1. Update Packages Lists:
sudo apt update
2. Install Apache2 web package.
sudo apt install apache2
3. Start apache
sudo systemctl start apache2
4. Enable auto-start on boot
sudo systemctl enable apache2
5. Check apache status
sudo systemctl status apache2
6. Change directory
cd /var/www/
7. Create Directory dev
mkdir dev
cd dev
add welcome to dev text & exit with esc : wq
cd /etc/apache2/sites-availables
leave empty.
10. edit documents path & uncomment # with Vim editor
12. restart apache2
systemctl restart apache2
Get Package downloads link from Free-css
see in comment link
13. Unzip
14. move your file to html directory
mv * /var/www/dev
15. restart apache2
sudo system restart apache2
assign subdomian & add your Elastic Ip to domains
access with elastic in browser , Your website will be display.
refer video to repeat second website setups .
now u can access your website.
Thanks for watching.