NCERT Class 12 History: Theme 2 - Kings, Farmers and Towns Early States & Economies Part 1|CUET UG

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Agricultural Settlements
Princep & Piyadassi
Princep deciphered Brahmi and Kharosthi
Letter a during 250 BC & during 500 CE
Earliest States
6th Century – use of iron, coin, Jainism, Buddhism
Between 6th & 4th century – became most powerful
Mauryan Empire
Chandragupta Maurya, founded the empire (c. 321 BCE), extended control as far northwest as Afghanistan and Baluchistan, and his grandson Asoka conquered Kalinga (coastal Orissa).
Ashoka Edicts
Rock Edits
New Kings
Cholas, Cheras, Pandyas
Kushan King - Kanishka
Popular Perception of Kings
Inscriptions don’t provide all answers
Ordinary people rarely left account of thoughts
Sudarshana Lake – Gujarat
Increase Production
Iron ploughshare
Hoe agriculture
Use of irrigation by wells and tanks, and less commonly, canals