Should You Buy Star Wars Battlefront 2 in 2024?

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Star Wars Battlefront 2 has been on an insane journey over the past 7 years since it launched in 2017. It had (in my opinion) one of the greatest comebacks I had ever seen a video game make. And with the terrible Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection launch, a lot of people are now returning to Battlefront 2. So in this video, I talk about the game in its current state in 2024, and whether it's worth returning to or buying for the first time!

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No longer Master Assassin…it’s Master Jedi now


i used to play battlefront 1 ALOT when i was younger, never even knew there was multiplayer in it.


game is still very alive on playstation


Yesterday, I reinstalled this game after taking a year-long break. But as soon as I jumped back in, both my team and the enemy team got spawned together in one spot by a hacker. Now, everyone's camera view was floating all over the place, making it impossible to see what our characters were doing. It's frustrating to see this game, like their other multiplayer titles, being left behind to rot, especially when the gameplay and graphics still holds up to this day.


The mods available for EA BF2 are also incredible and plentiful. Whether you want multiplayer-friendly mods or offline Instant Action add-ons, there's a ton of high-quality stuff to customize your experience!


Video starts at 3:13.
And he is reviewing for pc.
For those that come from ps store spring sale


I recently renewed my Xbox One online subscription just to play Battlefront 2 and I haven’t regretted coming back. Easy to find matches in the popular game modes, it’ll be a challenge to find full servers in Blast and Starfighter Assault but I’ve managed to find decently packed games in those modes. I got this game at launch and it’s just insane to think of how far we’ve came as a community. The content trailers were amazing to watch, I miss the live service aspect a lot. But nonetheless, this game will always have a special place in my heart.


this is still one of my favorite games to this day, and I have no issues finding full lobbies on console. I'm playing on ps5 and still loving it


Thanks for the heads up with the sale. Bought it and will try it out since you give it such praise as you do.


Got the game for free back when it was on PS Plus a couple years ago and only started playing it a couple days ago. I did play the first game long ago but honestly this game is no exaggeration the better game, there’s so much more to do here. I’m still blown away at how it holds up. I do play multiplayer at times but it’s always fun winding down with co-op, and the best part is that the leveling is the same for both so you’re not wasting any time playing against bots. I kinda miss when games would come with both a PVP and PVE mode and still let you progress. It’s just a fun time and I recommend playing it. I just hope this isn’t the end of Battlefront for good, and that we get another one in the future


One thing I really wish they did with the instant action supremacy game mode is give the full experience because they already have the AI the cutscenes the gameplay animations, for when the ships come and pick you up and all that stuff, etc. Plus you could still do the age of rebellion thing which is the ground assault only maps. Speaking of I’m going to go play that after I’m done here.


I still play consistently on PC, its a great game.
HOWEVER, hackers are a major problem. Especially in galactic assault I usually run into one once every 5-8 games. Just a friendly warning.


thanks for the heads up on the sale! gonna get it on pc


I play this game on PlayStation 4 and it is damn near perfect. I am always getting lobbies for galactic assault and supremacy, sometimes even starfighter games. Hvv is also always happening for me. Sometimes I run into lobbies where I’m always the worst and I always lose but is barely an issue for me. And the performance is good too.


I have always came back to it every year I play it for a week and then stop playing it I would play mw3, which sucked and I always felt wrong playing other fps because I am a diehard Star Wars fan about maybe a mouth ago or two my bro deleted mw3 and downloaded battlefront2. I play it now all the time when I can it’s so fun I play on ps4 and ps5 and don’t ever struggle finding games on the popular modes I do have trouble during g early morning but other than that is so fun. I probably won’t stop playing it.


Modding for Battlefront II is what kept me going for a while after the live service support was discontinued.

I was hoping for an Ashoka / Asajj official update to complete the clone wars package update. It never came :(


I still play this game a lot with my brother, I honestly love this game!


I did the exact same thing after feeling disappointed with the classic collection and the game is in such a good state now, absolutely love it


I played an awesome game of conquest yesterday for the first time in a while (Xbox). It was back and forth they fought onto our ship we defended the generator well. Drove them off the ship, then got to their ship and got the win. It took a minute to get a full lobby, but it was super fun in the end.


Just picked up for $1.99 xbox game pass. Great video !!
