Monkey Movie

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The thick canopy blocks most sunlight, often taken by monkeys higher in the hierarchy. Suddenly, a fallen dead monkey disrupts the darkness. Monkeys gather, including Vervet with a small glass, playing with light. But monkeys higher up block the new ray. While others scatter, Vervet persists, fighting for a spot in the sun. Despite early victories, he realizes he's in over his head.

Monkey Movie is an animation short film by students of ANIM20 at The Animation Workshop. The team worked on the film throughout their studies, and it is now released as part of their graduation in 2024.

A film by:
- Svanna Christiansen - Director/Animator/Story/Storyboard/Production Manager/Background Design/Posing/Character Design
- Robin Eide - Animation Lead/Technical Director/Storyboard/Layout/Compositing/Story
- Frances Nielsen - Animator/Character Design
- Ava Randrianambinintsoa - Compositing Lead/Animator
- Ramona Patané - Concept Art/Colour Script/Background Art/Character Design
- Marianna Wichowska - Compositing/ Background Design /Background Art
- Viggo Uno - Art Director/Animator /Production Manager/ Story/Storyboard/ Character Design
- Sofie Gjengstø - Animator /Production Manager/ Posing/ Compositing/Storyboard
- Chiara Luber - Storyboard Lead/Animator /Layout/ Story
- Sara Gomes - Animator
- Jessica Storbugt - Concept Art /Background Art/Character Design

#animation #studentfilm

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I love how the beginning and end kinda go together. In the beginning, a monkey falls, bringing in more light. Then, at the end, the other monkey falls and proceeds to bring in more light. It creates a loop effect.


Short form story telling will never cease to amaze me, so much can be done in under 10 minutes. Absolutely remarkable.


Fantastic character designs. Normally monkeys fall into a kind of uncanny valley for me but these ones have very appealing designs. The animation, the vibes- wish there was more of it! Great work!


good grief! monkey violence!
jokes aside, this is such an incredible animated story, it never ceases to impress me how well animators can convey a story without a single word of explanation.


Ive never seen monkey designs so appealing, specially for the protagonist and the big monkey


I feel elements of Tartakovsky. Excellent work!


Im totally overthinking, but I analyze this to be about fame. Saying we’re all monkeys fighting for a chance in the spotlight. Even at the end, the monkey is in the light for 15 seconds, reminding me of the phrase “15 Seconds of Fame”


Gosh. I had clicked on the video expecting wholesome animation about monkeys, instead I got an insanely good fight sequence.


I love how the story ends where it starts: a monkey fallen from the light. The emotions you can see, where she starts fighting to gain what she thinks is fairly hers, and after she finally wins, broken and battered, but realizes that shes already fought so hard and has to defend her position in the light. And that turn of attitude where it becomes less about being content and more about gain and violence, until she is flung so far that she sees others glistening in the light. It almost seems within reach, but the fall is painful, and familiar. And she falls from the light. Beautiful animation, beautiful storytelling.


This is absolutely stunning, I love the use of colors! the entire thing felt so intense despite the subdued sound and music!


Ive never seen someone capture that same visual story telling beauty that of like Genndy's, Primal. This was such a masterpiece in awe


This has to be one of my favorite animated shorts on YouTube. I like how the colors shift to something more vibrant and “unnatural” as the main protagonist ascends through the trees. Felt like that really worked to express and exaggerate the emotions running high during the adrenaline rush.

I genuinely did not think much of monkeys in animation before, because they were always creatures there just for the cuteness factor or the humor. Here, they’re far more complex. Each is uniquely designed in a way to convey character, like the aggressive protagonist’s spiky hair frills on its head. Each one has a distinct variety of squeaks, chirps and other animalistic sounds, which I found to be particularly interesting. It’s not the stock monkey sounds, it’s uniquely made for this film.

Just an absolute masterpiece of a work. Visual storytelling at its best and most brilliant


This told a better story in 5 minutes and 31 seconds than any feature length film Disney has put out


BROOO i thought it was something silly until the bloody scene, I was going to comment just "Monkey Movie" but you made me think for a good minute. Huge respect for sound design and the concept of that "career stairway" I also liked that you absolutely ruined Vervet's story, so that the big guy is still alive, and well, still the "main boss".
I also thought that the main character flew into "heaven", and personally I love those transitions where you can't really tell what happened, and the character realizes their death only after some time have passed. But no, it only got worse... No matter how hard he tried, he saw the precious light all around, only to be found fallen at the very bottom... Let me mention that i also love when at the very beginning, you hinted, spoiled the ending without ANYONE knowing! That was amazing. Felt the hugeness, the pain, absolutely ate the art style and all that wonderful movement in animation. You deserve all love and support from art community. Keep the good work! Hope to see more of Svanna's and homies works!!!


That's the scariest depiction of gelada I've seen. I love how many monkey species are in this. Great art style


I absolutely love these monkey designs, they're so unique and pretty. I don't particularly like many monkeys, possibly because of their odd, almost human appearances, so I think that going for a less human style was very nice. I greatly enjoyed this


This was AMAZING! storytelling without speaking, self-expression without a single letter. Only action, and tone. Masterpiece!


I love the contrast between the funny title and the movie in question lol.
I love this, specially since in the end it again shows this is just a cycle that no one has ever broken.


My favourite part has to be the parallel between the monkey who falls down and Vervet. He tries to break the system but only repeats the cycle.


Something that amazes me about this film aside from the character designs is the characters reacting to pain. A lot of times in media we just see characters going through the pain without any reaction, as if it wasn’t real.
But not only do Vervet but their opponents also show pain when attacked! Of course a monkey’s going to flinch when bitten, we’d do the same too! It feels just- organic? I think that might be the word for it!
