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Ever wondered why you cannot get that same gorgeous glow that you see other beauty gurus get? If you're over 40 certain areas of the face need avoiding! Let me show you how to glow without emphasising areas that will make you look older!

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Thank you for watching my youtube channel. My name is Wayne Goss and often known on youtube as gossmakeupartist. I give beauty tips, makeup techniques and reviews on all things makeup and skincare related. If you’re looking to pick up tips and tricks to up your makeup game, then i really hope you find this channel useful. I give beauty and makeup techniques that i hope will change the way you view makeup and make it a more fun and easy process.


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#waynegoss #beauty
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I'm turning 60 this year. Believe me, there is next to NOTHING out there in terms of fashion and makeup for my age range. All the faces and bodies are teenagers and twenty-somethings with bare midriffs. Do a search for 60, and there is an endless array of videos and articles about WHAT YOU CAN'T WEAR, and nothing else!
*Thank heaven for Wayne Goss*
I come to this channel, and I don't feel invisible, I don't feel talked down to, I don't feel dismissed. Always good, solid advice.
You're the best! ❤


Wayne, I just want to remind you that you are one of the most attractive, handsome, beautiful men I have ever seen! You make aging look beautiful.
It goes without saying your heart is gold and you're a beautiful person. But I also wanted you to know you are simply gorgeous!
Please don't be too self critical, to others eyes, you are perfect ♡


Yes, exactly! I’m almost 50 and I had to figure this out myself. Highlight and contour depend so much on face shape that they should change from person to person. But we keep on seeing youtubers saying “highlight goes here, here and here”, as if everybody had the same face. Well, it depends on what is happening on your face. Thanks for teaching us again! 😊


Wayne, I love how you say that you do these particular things for “your face shape.” Nod, nod, wink, wink. Your longtime fans know how you truly feel about that blasted nose tip highlight—-on any face shape!! 🤣🤣 I love you…and your face. 😘


I am loving these videos because when I try to do a makeup and I'm learning from a 22-year-old it looks wonderful on her/him but on my 43-year-old skin not so much!


These are actually good tips for ppl of any age. I see even a lot of teens and 20’s that will highlight for the trend, not for their face, and it shows by doing the opposite of what they THINK they are doing.

Having said that, I’m a huge fan of doing whatever the hell it is you like! ❤️


I turn 60 this year (how did this happen???) and I’ve always loved makeup. I like sparkle but I’m being much more subtle with it. I struggle with highlighter and I’m actually excited to try putting it further back on my cheek. Wayne, thank you for so generously sharing your expertise with us. You are very, very much appreciated.


I am turning 70 this fall, and I have to be very careful about highlight where on my cheekbones I USED to wear it. I have developed very visible smile lines, so I now genrally put blush on and highlight a bit over the blush.
P.S. Highlight on the tip of the nose is a habit that needs to die and NOT just for older peoole. So many people who do it use WAY too much and look like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer's shinier cousin!!


Hi Wayne—thank you for this video. Since the fat pads of my cheeks have dropped due to aging, I’ve been unsure of where to place my blush, and, to a certain degree, my highlighter when I wear it. This video has helped immensely and I really appreciate your advice for those of us over 40 and beyond.😊


I found out on my own about these particular areas as well. I so happy you're helping us find out other options. I was under the impression that the c zone and high cheekbone/ eye area were main highlight areas as well. Thanks Wayne. You always give such positive feedback. You are very appreciated.


Yes! I'm just figuring out where to highlight my face at 44 years old. The "top of the cheekbone" advice never worked for me, but I've been following your tip to highlight above the brow for years.


I love that...."the way your face is progressing." So much kinder x


Another great video of what to do vs what not to do when highlighting the face. Wayne Goss you know it all and I’m really happy about that! You’re my go to when I want to know “for sure” if I’m doing it right… Thank you for your time and the attention you give to each and everyone of us who learn from watching you. 🤩


I’m 62 and I don’t use highlighter except lightly over top of blush. I never use a glittery one though as it doesn’t look good. Thanks for another great, informative video. God bless you!


Wayne-53 and so far no fillers…highlighting almost opposite the way I did 10 yrs ago…also using darker foundation and not so matte, not putting contour any further in than the edge of my eyes-this has helped me-we really DO need to change our habits after 50!!!


I remember you mentioned an Ellis Faas highlighter many many years ago and I still use that one to this day for the most etherial glow on mature skin. You always give the best tips I don't see on other channels and you have definitely changed my routine for the better. Thank you so much!


As a 47-year-old, I appreciate this sort of advice. I've been avoiding getting highlight too high up of my cheekbones because it emphasizes the my crow's feet. I also can't highlight too close to my nose on the tops of my cheeks unless it emphasized the orange peel texture. There's a very small area where I can highlight on my cheeks. I find that a liquid or cream highlight looks way better on my skin than a powder highlight. Unless it's your powder highlight, then it's glorious. Thanks so much for taking the time to make this sort of a video. It's helpful to those of us who still want to wear makeup, but are dealing with changing territory.


You continue to amaze me. I'm 57 with thin Scandinavian skin, prominent blue veins are appearing around my eyes and temples. It's so easy to look up popular makeup tutorials and see the same patterns and fall into that cookie cutter way of doing things. Then, I watch your videos and find myself thinking....why didn't anyone tell me this before? You help us. You are so knowledgeable, sweet, genuine and humble. Thanks for all you do!!


I love this. I’m 30 but I have always had emphasized under eyes. Also, as I have fluctuated in weight and retain water due to blood pressure issues, I have to try to look at my face critically each time I do makeup. Thank you for this reminder to continue to do so ❤️


I have always hated that tip of the nose highlighter dot. So glad you brought that up. Always good advice Wayne! Thanks!
