BREAKING: NASA Scientists Just Found Earthlike Planet That Could Support Life

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BREAKING: NASA Scientists Just Found Earthlike Planet That Could Support Life

In this video, we will explore the amazing discovery of a super-Earth by NASA, and what it means for our understanding of the universe and the possibility of life beyond Earth. A super-Earth is a type of planet that is larger than Earth but smaller than the gas giants, and that is usually rocky and has a solid surface.

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The problem with these "super earths" is usually they are big and therefore have gravity that could be crushing for us to live in


Yea search for a new planet because we ruined this one and only the rich and powerful ppl will get togo. 😂😂which is crazy because all the rich and powerful ppl are the ones who don't deserve it.


When did men find a better earth, other than where God designed humanity to live in, the only other better place where we will find better life is heaven and ONLY through JESUS CHRIST, repent from sin and believe in Jesus then one will go to heaven a better place to live in forever


Believe the truth of gospel 1 Corinthians 15-3 that Jesus shed his blood, dying for your sins, he was buried and rose again on the third day. Once you believe this you are sealed unto the day of redemption Ephesians 4:30, which means you cannot lose your salvation. We do good works out of love for what Jesus has done for us out of love which was dying for our sins We don't do good works out of fear because we fear we might not get to heaven or out of fear we aren't saved. This is the difference between a religion and a relationship.


😂😂😂just discovered, , , 😂😂😂 Ole musky, , lmfao😂😂😂🤦😉 then puke bags are flying high and we're burning up ✌️💫🔥🔥🔥🔥🫠🫠
