North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile; Pres. Moon Calls for Emergency NSC Meeting

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북, 스커드 계열 미사일 발사, 청와대 NSC상임위 개최
North Korea, earlier this morning, fired another missile off its east coast this Monday morning.
Our chief anchor Moon Connyoung is live at the presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae.
Connyoung, it's almost as if this has become a routine.

Following one last weekend, North Korea has again fired what appeared to be a short-range ballistic missile in the early hours this Monday morning... off its east coast, Wonsan, to be exact.
South Korean military said the missile is assumed to be a Scud-class ballistic missile and today flew about 4-hundred-50 kilometers; the US Pacific Command has said the missile was tracked from North Korea for six minutes before it landed in the sea... inside Japan's economic zone.

This is the ninth missile test the North has carried out this year... defying world pressure and threats of more sanctions... but also comes in fresh defiance of a declaration published by the G7 leaders just this past weekend... whereby all states pledged to strengthen measures unless the North agreed to abandon its nuclear program.
Now, although this particular missile today or the one last weekend or any of the previous ones as a matter of fact tested by Pyongyang cannot, at this point, fly far enough to reach American military bases in Guam... let alone mainland U.S. But, what we need to remember is that with each test, North Korea gains meaningful data fo that is fed into its effort to build an intercontinental ballistic missile.

It landed in Japan's EEZ - there must have been reaction from Tokyo and of course, from here in Seoul as well.

Sure. Japan was quick to condemn the North's provocation. Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed to take concrete action with the U.S. to deter North Korea.

Here in Seoul, South Korean President Moon Jae-in immediately called for an emergency national
security council meeting. It was chaired by NSC chief Chung Eui-yong and lasted for roughly 45 minutes... coming to a close at about quarter past eight this morning.
This is the third missile test by North Korea in the last three weeks that the new South Korean president has been in office, hence, the third national security meeting under the Moon administration.

Following the NSC meeting, Seoul's foreign affairs ministry released a statement strongly condemning North Korea, calling its provocation absolutely unacceptable and that South Korea will maintain full readiness against any North Korean threats based on the ironclad South Korea, U.S. alliance.
Remember, Mr. Moon Jae-in is a president who has pledged that he's pro-engagement, pro-dialogue with North Korea. But, at this point, it's very difficult to see the new South Korea government staying on due course with these constant missile launches. Obviously, suggestions of dialogue are certainly NOT slowing the North's Kim Jong-un down in any shape or form, Mark.

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Рекомендации по теме

north korea fired ballistic missile almost hitting Japan. let's have another meeting.


Donald Trump repeating US policy as did in past by George W Bush? great mistake repeating be avoided​!


kim : 0;52 lauch the missle dies the japan....hahahaha
1:01 what thw fuck its going up and cmning back....
wait its going back again scare the shit outaah me....


Practice makes perfect with Chinese made and supplied rocket parts.


Question for ARIRANG NEWS :Every time the DPRK exercises its military these programs call it a 'provocation'.Does the USA ever conduct military 'provocations'?


fear fear fear.... blah blah blah.... What happened to talking to NK? don't nationals have the right to protect themselves? everyone wants to condemn NK for exactly what every other nation does.
