Angular 17 tutorial - new features!

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In this video, I try the new Angular 17 tutorials and many new features.

Angular 17 with Minko Gechev @Angular

0:00 Welcome to the Angular tutorial
0:24 Anatomy of a Component
1:24 Updating the component
2:51 Component Composition
5:41 Control flow in components - @if
7:50 Control flow in components - @for
9:50 Property binding in Angular
11:32 Event Handling
12:55 Communicating with @Input
14:12 Communicating with @Output
18:25 Deferrable views
20:44 Optimizing images
24:00 Enabling routing
26:25 Define a route
27:30 Link to a route with ReouterLink
28:27 Forms
30:41 Getting from control values
32:05 Reactive forms
35:22 Validating forms
37:11 Creating an injectable service
38:12 Inject-based dependency injection
39:42 Constructor-based dependency injection
40:41 Pipes
41:37 Formatting data with pipes
42:31 Create a pipe

Рекомендации по теме

0:00 Welcome to the Angular tutorial
0:24 Anatomy of a Component
1:24 Updating the component
2:51 Component Composition
5:41 Control flow in components - @if
7:50 Control flow in components - @for
9:50 Property binding in Angular
11:32 Event Handling
12:55 Communicating with @Input
14:12 Communicating with @Output
18:25 Deferrable views
20:44 Optimizing images
24:00 Enabling routing
26:25 Define a route
27:30 Link to a route with ReouterLink
28:27 Forms
30:41 Getting from control values
32:05 Reactive forms
35:22 Validating forms
37:11 Creating an injectable service
38:12 Inject-based dependency injection
39:42 Constructor-based dependency injection
40:41 Pipes
41:37 Formatting data with pipes
42:31 Create a pipe


this is great. one correction: in communicating with the input, arent you supposed to edit the app.component.ts file to update the name. I'm still confused with that part of the tutorial. otherwise, great tutorial.


hey make a video on pieptransform in angular 17
