Best Natural Home Remedies for Sinusitis

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Do you have a tongue and a thumb? If you do, you already have everything you need to clear your sinuses in less than 20 seconds!

A stuffy nose often occurs as a symptom of another health problem such as a sinus infection or the common cold. Usually, these health problems are minor i.e. allergies, nasal polyps, chemical exposures, environmental irritants and hay fever.

When the lining in the sinus cavities gets inflamed due to irritants, bacteria or viruses, your nasal passage swells and gets blocked up, making it hard for you to breathe.

Nasal Congestion usually clears up within a week, but with this natural remedy, you may not wait that long to breathe easy ever again!

How to clear your sinuses in 20 seconds

Ready to breathe easy? Follow these simple steps:

Push your tongue against the top of your mouth and place your thumb between your eyebrows.
Apply pressure with your thumb for 20 seconds. Your sinuses will begin to drain.

How does it work?

You might be wondering how a little pressure on a bone can lead to a drain of sinuses. It has a scientific reason behind the technique. According to Lisa DeStefano, D.O., an assistant professor at the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, this technique causes the "vomer" bone to rock back and forth. The back and forth motion loosens congestion, allowing your sinuses to drain.

If the technique mentioned above doesnít work for you, donít rush to your drug store for a solution just yet! Try these four natural home remedies. You may already have these ingredients at home.

1. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix eight ounces of warm water with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey, or take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar three times daily. You sinuses should clear up in a few days.

You could also mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar with half a cup of water, heat it on the stove, and inhale the steam with your mouth and eyes closed.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric contains curcumin, which contributes to this spiceís anti-inflammatory properties. Sprinkling some turmeric on your next meal can help to treat the nasal inflammation that his blocking up your sinuses.

3. Nasal Saline Rinse

This is not the most comfortable solution, but many people rely on a saline rinse to clear up their sinuses. The mixture can consist of a quarter teaspoon of sea salt/pickling salt with one cup of warm water. This rinse gets poured through one nostril and out the other to clear the sinuses.

If you have never done a saline rinse before, ask someone for assistance and read and follow the instructions on the package very carefully.

4. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil isnít as widely available or as cheap as the above natural remedies, but if you happen to get your hands on this oil, simply ingest it, or steam it over the stove and inhale it to effectively clear up your sinuses. This oil is an effective sinus infection treatment.

0:00 Natural home remedies for sinusitis
0:59 How to clear your sinuses
2:02 Apple cider vinegar for sinus infection
2:31 Turmeric for sinus infection
2:49 How to perform a sinus flush

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Рекомендации по теме

My doctor basically gave up on me and told me there was nothing he could do. Depressed I found a natural nasal spray called sinusoothe and that cured me after just one dose (bottle). My advice is don't give up. There are other natural nasal sprays such as manuka guard that should work just as well.


I have had Sinus infections for many years. Antibiotic work temporarily but don''t CURE sinus infection. ONLY thing worked for me; is the "NeilMed Sinus Flow Rinse shown in this video. BUT, I use Apple Cider Vinegar ACV instead. WORKS! In my opinion the following worked for me. This is my regimen I repeat process every 7 days till no more mucus or till I'm tired of doing it.

1. Use 2 tsp. ACV & 8 oz DISTILLED water. (MUST be distilled water only)

2. Use half the bottle in left nostril, save 2nd half for right nostril.

3. Important. It's going to hurt like HELL! Because your stirring up mucus that had been living up your nasal cavities for years. Mucus has lived and breed fungus and more phlegm in that dark dark nasal cavity very comfortably for decades. NOW, the mucus & fungus are very pissed off!

4. Always nasal rinse in morning, because you will be blowing your nose all day. You DON'T want to nasal rinse at night because you will be up all night blowing your nose.

5. Have mega doses of kleenex all day everyday to blow your nose, because what shit that has been living in you nose for years is going to come out.

6. Repeat procedure the next day and 3rd morning.

My friend you will be horrified what will be coming out of your nose in the weeks to follow, huge clumps of thick massy phlegm . I called them monsters, you can give them nick names if you want. By using ACV nasal rinse, you basically started world war III on your sinuses. Apple Cider Vinegar is like using dynomite to break up hard tacky phlegm. When you blow your nose it will feel like mucus is coming from the back of your brain. Mucus and fungus is everywhere in your head, ears, back of throat. That's why you have post nasal drip because your sinus cavity is so blocked with junk.

Avoid eating ice cream, for a long long while, I know; I love ice cream to, but that's what causes mucus, phlegm & sinus infections for me.

Avoid sugary drinks or anything with sugar, these lovely tasty wonderful treats feed the fungus..
When things are back to normal maybe you can eat or drink above items in moderation

I have purchased NeilMed Nasal Rinse at CVS/Walgreens/Riteaid/ Walmart.
Footnote: As a result of getting rid of mucus in sinuses, I have experienced the "dying off process" which means stirring up old old old mucus/fungus/toxins could make your body feel like shit. my symptoms included lethargic, head is in a fog, body feels like shit. This will pass in time it is the body trying to get rid of toxins in the entire body. drink lots of water, I have taken probiotics, taken milk thistle to cleanse the liver, I have taken hydrangea root to cleanse the kidneys, e. g.

Remember HURTS LIKE HELL, but works! Good Luck. Cheers to cleared sinus and no fevers.


I have tried so many things in my search for relief from chronic sinus infections and pain. When I tried the tongue to root of mouth, thumb to bridge of nose it gave me some relief, thank you for your help:)


Eating less or staying a little hungry and not eating before bedtime helped me really recommended


this technique for opening and draining my sinuses works like magic. Thank You


Thank you I'm doing the garlic already and tried the exercise with the thumb and it.worked a little bit. I'm gonna get some apple vinegar also my dad is cooking with garlic every night now after he saw the benefits off doing so


Thank you so much! It worked. I tried the tongue and pressure. 5 sec and no more blocked nose. I can sleep now. Zzzz 💕


The water apple cider vinegar and honey actually worked. I feel a slight congestion but I can breathe through my nose. So clutch


Didn’t work for me but I’m glad it worked for everyone else


I used sinusoothe nose spray and it was amazing. It cured my ten year old sinus infection in less than two weeks and did something all the docs and specialists couldn't. Stings - but what good medicine ever tasted good? Anyway, stinging only lasts a few seconds.


Love this video, you go straight to the point


I use oregano oil, a few drops in teaspoon of honey, swish in mouth a few minutes, follow with water. good stuff!


Ooh yes it really worked. Thank you so much.


I did this last evening and it worked perfectly! : )
Thank you for this video and the information also.


Warm water with salt when it goes our nose one side to another hole through special type of cup.this is great on this video it is.i felt better than medicine


I am very surprised don't know how long its going to last but it worked. It didn't happen in 20 seconds but it worked and i didn't think something so simple would work.


Sinusoother nose spray is worth giving a go. I know it cleared me and it is very powerful. Could probably unblock a traffic jam!


I don't know it's Placebo treatment or what...but it really works in just seconds.Thanks!


Apple Cider Vinegar is wonderful and nasal irrigation unfortunately didn't help me. I put in too much salt and choked on it. I gave up on all the doctors stuff so I got a nasal spray sinusoothe that has spices in it such as the turmeric shown in this video and that keeps my sinuses clear. I used to have terrible congestion due to allergies that also caused sinus infections but this not only keeps my passages clear but also has cured my infection and my allergies don't seem to be as bad. It's not cheap (please reduce the price sinusoothe!) but I wouldn't be without it now.


great information to clear sinus, thanks for sharing ti
