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easy german

My very first German Book.
Mein Allererstes Deutsches Büchlein
First Chapter
Erste Übung
My Cat.
Meine Katze
Where is my cat?
Wo ist meine Katze?
I do not know.
Ich weiß nicht.
I have milk for her.
Ich habe Milch Für sie.
She drinks very happily milk.
Sie trinkt so gerne Milch.
Second Chapter
Zweite Übung
The moon.
Der Mond
I see the moon.
Ich sehe den Mond.
It shines very brightly.
Er scheint sehr hell.
The stars are also very beautiful.
Die Sterne sind auch wunderschön.
The moon and the stars light us.
Der Mond und die Sterne leuchten uns.
Third Chapter.
Dritte Übung.
The garden.
Der Garten.
Where have you been?
Wo bist du gewesen?
In the garden.
Im Garten.
I have seen the pretty flowers.
Ich habe die schönen Blumen gesehen.
And I have seen the bees, which make honey.
Ich habe auch die Beinen gesehen, die den Honig machen.
Fourth Chapter
Vierte Übung
The Bed.
Das Bett.
Oh! How I love my little bed when I am tired.
Ach! Wie freue ich mich auf mein Bettchen, wenn ich Müde bin!
It is so white, and so soft, and so nice.
Es ist so weiß, so weich und so nett.
I have the sweetest dreams in my little bed.
Ich träume so süß in meinem Bettchen.
Good night, Mamma.
Gut Nacht, Mütterchen.
Fifth Chapter
Fünfte Übung
Das Frühstück
My tea is too hot.
Mein Tee ist zu heiß.
I cannot drink it.
Ich kann ihn nicht trinken.
Mind that you do not spill it.
Gib Acht, dass du ihn nicht verschüttest.
Take some bread and a little butter.
Nimm dir Brod und ein wenig Butter.
Sixth Chapter.
Sechste Übung.
The Book.
Das Buch
Have you had breakfast?
Hast du schon gefrühstückt?
Yes, mother.
Ja, Mama.
Then bring me your book.
Dann hole mir dein Buch.
You read very well.
Du liest sehr gut.
You are a good little girl.
Du bist ein artiges Kind.
Seventh chapter.
Siebente Übung
The Baby.
Das Kleine Kind.
My little brother is going to sleep.
Mein Brüderchen schläft ein.
He is quite small.
Er is ja so klein.
He has a cradle with white curtains.
Er hat eine Wiege mit weißen Vorhängen.
He is very pretty; but he cannot speak.
Er ist reizend; doch kann er kein Wort sprechen.
I do like watching him when he is asleep!
Ich sehe ihn so gerne an, wenn en route sc
Eighth Chapter.
Achte Übung.
Рекомендации по теме

I figured I would learn German like how kids in my country learn English - through children's stories. And I was right. This is the best way!


I can't believe I'm learning German relying on my second language which is English 😭😂 I've never felt so proud of myself (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


Easily the best German story-learning video I have seen. Thanks.


Now I finally understand why English is classified as a Germanic language.


This is so comforting and reminds me of my own German grandma


I can hear the granny enjoying herself. :)) Good lessons! I like them. Classic, for gardenkids.


You see this is perfect... You have visually the German text then the translation and the proper pronunciation and it's simple child story... I'm a reader... I've always read ..I learned basic French this same way. Reading does something that just doesn't happen any other way... Learn like a child with accelerated adult abilities. Danke!!!👍


I enjoy this method of learning. I could learn not by mechanically memorizing things but by listening to a repeated audio.


The artwork in the books is really beautiful, and represents a much more wholesome era in my opinion. Thanks so much for the reading, vielen dank.


I really appreciate how you come up with an English translation that more naturally reflects what the German is literally saying when appropriate (without necessarily being a literal translation)


I really love this method of saying in English n translate to German. This is the best method. Thank you.


This is absolutely the best reading exercise for learning German I have ever found. I’m at level A2 in somewhat, a little bit of B1, but I’m not found anything with this good thank you so much for the repetition also.


The repetition is so nice, thank you very much. And you read very clearly and at a nice pace. Thank you!


Nice for more simple phrases. Good for the ones who begin the German journey as a foreign language. Such as me...


the best educational channel for learning German I've ever watched


I feel so fortunate i came across your videos. Danke.


Very nice! You really put your mind to German word intonation and to sentence rhythm. ❤ I'm a native speaker, so I can tell.


This reminds me of my early childhood when my grandmother was teaching me english. Thank you for this, it is very helpful and relaxing!


this has been so helpful for practicing pronunciation i'm so glad i came across this


One million likes from india. Thanks madam
