Does String Gauge Affect Tone? 10's vs. 13's Comparison

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Today's video is going to be focusing on comparing the differences in tone between 10 and 13 gauge acoustic strings. Because of the trauma caused to the neck of the instrument by moving between string gauges so quickly, I've decided to use a cheaper Epiphone DR-100 for this demo. In this video I'll be stringing up this guitar with an identical set of strings from D'Addario - the Phosphor Bronze set. I'm using the same guitar, mics, pick, mic placement, and right hand position to hopefully isolate as many variables as possible so that the only difference you'll be hearing is because of the different thickness of each string set.

0:00 - Introduction
1:45 - One disclaimer
4:20 - Back to back comparison
9:57 - Outro

I'd love to hear your thoughts! Let me a comment down below if you thought the 13's did truly sound better than the 10's or if you actually prefer the sound of the 10's over the 13's.

Stay tuned for more videos on similar topics:
$140 vs. $3,000 Acoustic Guitar // Martin HD-28 & Epiphone DR-100:
Acoustic String Comparison: 80/20 vs. Phosphor Bronze:
Does String Gauge Affect Tone? 10's vs. 13's Comparison:

#guitar #string #comparison

Hi! My name is Alex Price. I’m a professional musician based out of Pittsburgh, USA. I make a living between touring, performing on cruise ships, and while I’m home, teaching. Check out my new uploads every Tuesday and Friday for gear demos, lessons, and performance clips.


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Рекомендации по теме

I started playing in 1962. I've had a lot of guitars over the years, Martin, Fender, Gibson, Rickenbacker & on. I have 3 physical disabilities(all forms of arthritis) & I had to stop playing in 2002 because my hands got so bad. Then, about a year ago, I tried to find a way to play again. I purchased the same model Epiphone you use in this video. I am very pleased with this guitar, seeing I didn't want to invest a few grand on a guitar if I couldn't play again. I use 10 gauge strings on it because they are easier on my hands & they serve my purpose well. I learned a more minimalistic way of playing so I can at least play again. The reason for my story, from an old guy like me, is to say that if you love playing, do your best to find a way to do so, no matter what the problem may be. For me, playing again has filled a hole in my life & in my heart. Even with all the pain, it makes me happy, and shouldn't we always try for happiness in life ? Play on, my friends, play on !!


To me the 13s -- warmer, thicker. The10s -- brighter, thinner. Both useful


it took some time to find someone to simply compare the sound, thank you for that! Cheers!


I think the main difference is in the pick sound. with the lighter gauge you get higher volume but it comes with this twinkling sound in the right hand. the heavier gauge is so more smooth and warm on the touch. nice job!


Hi Alex, I like 11-52 Custom light gauge, because it’s much easier than 13 medium gauge and sounds more beautiful


When I was young I listen to music and wanted to play guitar. Took lessons and lived with some guys that taught me a lot and would go into the music store to stare at the multi $1000 guitars. Some friends and I went in and the shop owner showed us a cheap used guitar we promptly made fun of. We didn't like the cheap construction, no fancy inlays, obviously dead strings... After we moved on to badly play the forbidden song a very old guy that looked like your school janitor picked up the junk guitar and started to play. Lightning struck that room and to this day I have rarely heard such playing. I was young and knew everything so it took a long time for this to sink in. Its not the guitar at all its the performance. Most people in the audience won't have a clue what brand of guitar you have or strings are on it or care. They will hear your technical skill but that sounds like a machine, are you in there? Playing with abandon, lost in the music or just walking through it? Maybe I just need the courage and have more confidence holding a Martin D28, I need a crutch. Truth is none of my music hero's got there because they played a Martin D28. Hell Glen Campbell played an Ovation. But he played the hell out of it and it really would not have mattered to anyone in the audience if the guitar had Daddario or Elixer strings. I'm a lot more humble now and cannot use the excuse that I don't play better because I don't have a D28. But I never, never play the forbidden song in a music store...


Going from a thicker pick (deeper sound) to a thinner pick .38 Dunlop (brighter sound) on any string set up gauges. Try it. Plus, where you pick on the strings ie; behind the sound hole or over it and at the base of the neck.
Sound is all over the places where you plan to pick. It's not just the strings gauge.


Man, you have some amazing technique and skill. I've seen men playing for 40+ years that couldn't showcase the skills you just did in this 10 minute video. It's always nice to have someone around that plays guitar. It can turn a simple moment into a beautiful music filled moment that everyone will remember. It's amazing how that works. I'm 27 and am just learning about the peace and serenity that it can bring into a home. This video gave me alot of motivation to keep learning. Keep up the good work!!


I love the feel and sound of 13s on my Taylor. I rarely use a pick on that guitar so the feel is really important to me and it gives me confidence when I play. That said, it's all the way down to 10s on my electric, played with a pick.


I'm really digging your videos. I like the 10's, but it's all personal preference. I tend to be drawn toward brighter sounding guitars. Both sounded nice, just depends on what you're going after. Great video.


First of all, Id like to say you play amazing. I've had a guitar for many years and am still a noob but still have lots of fun with my acoustic! I just broke a set of strings (13s) and the tone sounds similar to yours. I thought heavier strings would sound better (thats what everyone seems to say) but after hearing my friends guitar (and playing it) with 10s and then watching this comparison I've got to say, for my playing the 10s sound way better. Especially on full chords it's like I can hear every note. With the heavy strings, I feel like the 6th and 5th string muffle out all the other notes of the have been struggling with this in my own playing to the point where I just try to hit 4 strings when I play a chord or else it just sounds too muffled for my taste.


I’m in the process of buying a new guitar and your experiment was super helpful in my decision for setup. Thnx - great job!!


13 gauge feels warmer I think, but maybe harder to play for some people.
Thank you for this comparison.


amplification can be turned up easily... use the strings you play comfortably. I played a lot of open mic nights and find that 11-52 is my choice in 80/20 bronze since I play with nails (from classical lessons). 12-54 is standard light.


This is videos are excellent and they take a lot of time; so much appreciated. There are other factors to consider when comparing gauges of strings. I feel the lighter strings will get knocked out of tune more readily than the heavier gauge strings. You already mentioned the difference in volume, but drilling down just in that factor alone means that it requires more pressure to play a higher gauge string and that’s harder on your fingers, yeah at the same time because the string is latter you don’t have to hit it hard with your right hand! Since all tone really comes from human fingers, the use of various fingerpicks and plectrums is also going to have an effect. I’m a big fan of heavy gauge strings, but after 50 years plus of plain mediums and heavies the arthritis in my hand is so bad that I basically can’t play professionally anymore. I bring this up because youngsters think they’re invincible, at least I thought I was invincible. So try to factor in your long-term play ability as well. Musicians are both artists and craftspersons because we need to use our body as our tool just like any carpenter or wheel right with use. In the meantime, keep rocking


Very good comparison.
I use 10's myself on acoustic guitar (One with 80/20 bronze and another soon to have nickel bronze). If it’s good enough for Jimmy Page, it’s good enough for me.


I always had a preference for heavier gauge, in this examples I got a further confirmation that's how I like


Even if there's a difference in tone, it's hardly noticeable _and_ just a difference, not necessarily better. However the playability of 10s is so much nicer, imho! In the end, if you're an equally good player on 10s and 13s it probably doesn't matter and you may want to use 13s for the volume, but if you struggle with your playing on 13s even a bit, compared to 10s.... I mean there's no choice there. The weakest link in the entire sound chain is almost always the player. So each player should make their life as easy as possible and not use any string gauges or other things just because "you're supposed to".


There's a new gauge of Phosphor Bronze Strings Super Light 9s.


Thank you for the interesting comparison! Just a sidenote, for the same money as your guitar I got a Harley Benton dreadnought with solid top and bone nut and saddle.
