Movies I Love, That Critics Hate [PART TWO]

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So in March of 2018, I had this idea to look at reviews left by critics on Rotten Tomatoes (cause let’s face it they are often wrong!!) on some of my favorite movies and was baffled at how low some of the ratings were on movies that were actually good. Sometimes the audience score was the total opposite, other times not so much.
I thought I'd make it a series on my channel and did a part 2... part 3 will be coming later.


The First Video:

Do you have any movie favorites that the critics gave 💩 ratings to? Leave a comment and let me know your favorite movies and maybe a Part 4 will be coming out soon 😁

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#RottenTomatoes #MovieReview #JusticeForGlitter
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I never saw Glitter bc I heard it wasn't good, but you've convinced me to giving it a watch.


I love your honesty, pawsome reviews! I am Sam is an amazing movie for sure


I don’t think I saw any of them, so I got some inspiration for our weekend movie night.🤗 I don't really care about the ratings because we all have different tastes, so maybe what others like I will hate it or other way around. I am mostly choosing movies by their title and cover photo.


I didnt even know mariah carey did a money 😂 now im going to go watch it! And i love when actors/actresses play a role outside of what we are used to seeing! It makes you either love them more or dislike them haha


Lol thats why i never depend on critics opinions
