DUNE: PART TWO is a science-fiction masterpiece! || #shorts

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We don't throw around words like "masterpiece" too often. But we just did with DUNE: PART TWO!

The Untitled Film Project Podcast is like hanging out with three of your best friends talking about the movie you just saw! We're three radio veterans -- and long-time hockey teammates -- who share a passion for movies. With our background, talking about films was natural so, one day, we decided to record it. Now we're here... and, with each and every movie we watch, we invite you into the conversation!

We rate movies based on a 0-10 scale with 10 being a perfect film and 0 being among the worst films ever made.

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We absolutely love talking movies (and sports) so please follow us on social media and let's get the conversation going!
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#movies #dune #masterpiece #shorts #scifi #sciencefiction
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No!!! It is most certainly not a masterpiecec. It is merely Dune Part One rehashed and
filled with technocrap to compensate for very weak acting, empty dialogs, and anti climatic ending.
